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Sunday, September 9, 2018

Spooky Duke fun on the road

So close to the wedding.  Bonnie and Krystyn were still doing stalls. I had met Dave to tighten Dukes shoes. He had already finsshed and was on the way out the driveway.  We had a funny conversation in the driveway and off he went.
I worked on a couple stalls, Dukes Sienna and Townes then got to work with Duke. Spa day since he was sore yesterday. I ordered the Cosequin on Friday so Ill be getting the new stuff for Duke soon.
We did some good grooming and then went out on the road.
He was distracted the whole time.As we walked out the dirt road he pulled back a lot. HE stopped suddenly many times as we walked down the road. He was snorting a lot too.  He stopped and struck a pose almost pointing into the direction of the field's woods.  Glad I wasn't going over there.  He picked up the speed with his trotting. In the arena he didn't do his stepping like that at all.  Anyway we walked on the road I felt like it wasn't good for him so we stayed on the grass on the return walk homet.  It was a great visit for a long time 1040 to about 130 or so.  Good
Flipping the hay, day 5 then putting up hay tomorrow.  It looked so good to Duke.

positive times.

Sunday 2 late day peace alone

will update later