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Sunday, December 29, 2019

Much better today groundwork on the road

Yesterday at the barn wasnt the best with Duke, he was really a pushy jerk and was a little too close when I put him in the arena. He kicked and acted like he wasnt my horse at all. I felt a little terrible, honestly for the first time every I questioned my relationship with him. I think I let the shitty things that have been happening lately get the best of me. I know hes a sweet loving horse who loves to be busy.

Today we went out walking. I had my cleats and because I dont come in the morning all of the time is for him.  When I come on Saturdays I am working on the stalls and then hanging with Bonnie and Krystyn. Lunch and other stuff.  Last week I was there for a while and I had not really worked as much as I would like. I took Duke into the arena and he did pretty good, I let him do some round penning he went arouhnd like 3 times. I didnt want to push it so I thought that was good. I realize that I wasnt feeling as good as I could of and actually skipped going on Sunday. THis made me feel like I wasnt spending enough time iwth Duke. Now realize that there was lots of stuff going on and I had been really busy but I think even going over for a 2 hours or even 1 hour is better than not going over.  So if the weather is bad and the roads are terrible I will not go over but if I can I should go over in the afternoon.  I need to keep being with him and working out with him.  My life isnt too busy for him.  <3.  I wondered if he noticed I cut back on visiting and he might resent me a little bit.
Today I got there and it was only Kristin Ann, with Kinsey. Shes funny kinda quirky Im not sure if shes happy.  I think its hard to work like she does with her horses and also do that barn work that shes signed up for.  Well I said hi and then went and got Duke,  I spoke firmly as I opened the gate. I walked over directly to Duke and spoke to him sternly that we were going to work together today. I walked him over ot te gate no snacks and out we went.  He didnt pull to the ground and I had my cleats so I could walk on the ice with no problem.  I decided to go right out, walk on the drivceway out to the road. I wasnt sure he doesn this thing with his head, he throws it up. I was working with him on being on hte lead line. I brought a crop and started to work the training exercise I learned from Phil whitemore.  It works every time. WE went out to te first speedbump. I wanted to go to Bonnies house and then let him graze but its been so long and I havent had the confidance to bring him out because hes been rearing up for no reason. Not today,  hes going to focus on me and my ovice. The jerk up on the hill started yelling and then Duke did like a concerning look. I told him he better be worried about my voice and me yelling at him for not paying attention. We did the 3 steps back with a rewaqrd of a pat and atfter his first several successes he became more relaxed.  Even so I turned around we we went back no grass picking in the field and finally I let him graze at the front of te barn on teh side.  WE walked around the barn, both sides visiting the other boys on the hill and then back down the raod. Hes better but still didnt want to have him too far. Back to the barn, spa day, treated his hoofs, his itchy tail and brushed him out conditioned his big tail with some of the special stuff.
The tempature was like 41 degrees out. Easy to where a few layers.
Dukes general condition was good he tripped about 3 times as we walked. I was worried he may have been fatuqued. I said that Id let him back into his stall after we worked. I spend lots of time working on his fur, took off one of his chestnuts on his back leg.  Treated his itchy tail with the itchy tail stuff. brushed out his tail. Treated it with swoe of the stuff I never use. I need to buy some Showsheen but its so expensive. Ill need to drive over to Horsemans exchange to get some.
Well he was sweet as I was taking care of him, he pooped on Lilys blanket, I found that kinda fresh.  Kristin was doing the stalls and water today. She said that she doestn get too much help, either Krystyn or Bonnie helps her.  Today she said Kayla was there ad it was very helptul. I took a crop today on the walk, I thnk it gave me confidance. Im not sure why but I tink it did.  The weather was beautufl cloudy but it looked like it might snow with teh clouds.

Boys in the paddock, Houdni Duke

Seems like 2 weeks ago after Duke and I had a weekday lesson, Duke was very stiff.
The rock hard ice in the paddock is bad for him. Hes got his shoes but its hard to walk in he ice.
Hes been getting along great with the boys, Doc was alittle jerky yesetrday but all of the other days hes been much better behaved.  I have bonded wiht Muke too. I spend tme in the paddock with them. Yesterday Doc got too pushy out side but it was the apple thing.
Im going to keep trying.
Krystyn said over the past few weeks, Duke has broken out of his paddock area while they were cleaning and ran out into the field they had to chase him.
Then later he broke out of the stall and raised hell in the ailses snacking and tearing things apart.
Last week I had said I hadnt been there so it wasnt me. Krystyn admitted she closed that day.
Bonnie said it was her she left the lock too lose. Its pretty funny when they do it.
Last week visited for about 3 hours, cleaned stalls and worked with Duke but didnt do as much as usual. Feeling like Im not as engaged lately need to up my Duke time.
Asked Krystyn if GEorge could go into the arena for a while before June took it over. Last week he was there for like 2 hours and he wqas so cute. Yesterday only about 10 min or less. Glad to see him happy.

[POST PICKS FROM:  In the paddock and picks of Duke aqnd George running around

Christmas Time its been shorter visits

I have been cut back on visits to see Duke. Im hoping its not because Im worried about him. Hes been working with Krystyn and myself on the off day of the week (Wed Tues or Thurs) when Krystyn has some extra time.  Two weeks ago I was explaining to Krystyn of how Duke does not like to be ridden and especially in the arena he veers to the left.  I tacked him before she got there. The month of Nov to Dec was terribly cold and snow eadh week sometimes 2 storms 3 snows in one week. This makes it more diffcult to get to the barn.  Well I tacked him we worked on mounting in the arena an then I got on, Duke had done good. Well I went around one time and he looked very uncomfortable. He scaredmme with his actions.  I sometimes thinks he may not likeme  but it comces down to the fact that maybe hes in pain. Maybe his saddle is very uncomfortable on him and he back is not up to being ridden.
Well This week I as was working with him, he was particularly pushy, kicking nearme.  when I was working with Krystyn she reminded me that I need to not let that happen. This stuck in my head, why was he doing this? Was I not hard enough on him? I think I need to use the whip.
He is ok with the treetment and I like how Krystyn incorporates it into the training.
I feel like Im missing out on the ground work that we used to do and then I would walk him on the road.
Yesterday the stupid car was racing its motor made me uncomfortable.
Should I be walking him on the road but I have since stopped doing that.
For Christmas I order him a treeless saddle that is treeless and its an endurance saddle.  Krystyn had said that June used one on her horse and that it was helpful. It was on Africa the older horse.
Idlike to stop using my current status on his working.
He cxrowds me in the arena hes fine to handle around the farm. I think Ill put in my cleats and walk around outside. Avoiding the arena may be better for me.
Last week I was getting him ready for his picture and he was so jumpy iwth th Alpacas. I blamed them but I still concerned that its not really the alpacas but hes just too jumpy.