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Saturday, January 16, 2021

Saturday turns left n right

 Really worked with Duke today. He looks good I think he’s sore from Thursday’s Dr Katz check up. I have his report in email. Krystyn met w Dr Katz because I had an appt to get ultra sound. Dr commented on Dukes arthritis said he was really stiff in heck but said he looked good for his age and was a great patient. He thinks he’s sore but happy and cared for. Bottom line

Keep him moving. 

We cleaned up worked on hoofs, and Dukes fur is less shedding than last several weeks. 

I worked cleaning Duke and we went into the arena. 

Safari had passed yesterday. The mood in the barn is solemn 

Thank god  Patti was riding in the arena. 

Got Duke ready for his afternoon workout after spa day

We did the walking and the stretching 

I decided we would not do open own. But his liberty is astounding 

Duke amazes me more and more each day.

The family came to get Sagaris stuff. It was short and emotional. As the Mom walked in only Kristin waved all others heads down

Slow walk I saw Jess break into tears. It’s so much to handle. 

Duke rolled first so beautiful. 

He gets up on his front first that’s not what most horses do. 

We went outside and we walked around and he was only partly spookygets jumpy still
The rain was off and on

Monday, January 11, 2021

Started turns with me and Duke

 Working in the arena was rewarding

Duke was shedding like 

Fed the ladies some oatcakes 

All the horses were staring at the field and when I took Duke out for a walk he wasn’t hPpy tearing up spooky

Decided to work out on our exercises in the arena

We even were not settled in the field

Duke had so much shedding

This has been the 3 week he’s been shedding brushed him out and he rolled leaving a blanket of beautiful downy white fur

Really proud of his progress 

Poor Duke Dave found an Absess a few weeks

 We looked at the area where Dave found the old absess

Duke must have walked it off with out even complaining

We thought he had bruised his hoof on the new ice

Poor boy he’s been such a good boy for me walking the road and exercising with me

Working out on Tuesdays 

What a good boy