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Sunday, September 22, 2024

At the Barn both Saturday and Sunday, so happy

 Showed up on Sataurday, Patti said I had just l missed everyone, the older couple came to ride their horse Jolie and Spice. Bonnie and Krystyn were their to make sure that they were safe in the arena. Also THere were even more people there but i forgot who they work.

I walked in and the horses were in and it was raining pretty good outside. The horses were and and Patti was tacking up Sienna, she turned to be angry as Pattie put on the saddle with a tight girth. Sienna did not like it and she looked like she was gong to bite or something. 

After Patti rode in the arena, which I was surprised to see her riding, I was going to bring him into the arena for some exercises. Beau likes to do the workouts. HEs so good at his backward work outs. He did so many.  I asked him to go the the mounthing block and stand while I walk up it and then down. 

There was only one thing, I have been noticing in the arena, after a little while, Beau will get very aggressive, head shaking from side to side, almost lovingly but also and getting into my space. I do not think hes nice when he is doing this he is becoming more aggressive. Head shaking when excited, I thought about all Saturday night. Then in the morning I started to look more and reserach it. Its like petting a cat until they get crazy, "overstimulated"  too much sugar.

He almost needs to be pusbut I have een hed back on im get aggressive and I dont want to have that kind of a relatioonship with him. Maybe too many treats.

I saw a thing today, give rewards adn then get more with less less.

Stop with rewards.

Then Sunday it was very nice, horses are out, all smiles. Patti was on the phone with Stacie for the baby pigeon that I had pointed out to her the day before.  I planned to keep Beau on a workout schedule sort. I went into the paddock and talked with Beau, he was good at the gate, we walked around the farm, walked out to the roadway, around the side of the barn. Kept walking and stopping him. I was worried about his listening skills.

Tried to get Patti to more, I had o ask, not sure what kind of passiveness there is there. As I was working with him, she interferes in the areas, insisting on sweeping directly under me. I was glad that she moved Sienna when I asked about having room in the aisle. Still it's good to be able to have them both on the cross ties at the same time. I never had that problem before. She puts Sienna far from the actual area that is hers, at the doorway. I sometimes can't figure it out.

its been interested to consider that I should change up my arrival time.

I had him on the cross ties for about 20min. He kinda hates it but I need him to get more accustomed to being worked and having the routine.

Felt so much better staying longer, the newer girl came who is dating a Greenwood. she seemed ok.

When I got there the couple with 2 horses were there and they are very happy with their horses and nice to talk to too.  No Kristie :)

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Thursday Dr Katz - we were 830 beautiful sunny day

 Got to get over to the barn on a week day, being the first or second person to get yiur horse appt with Dr Katz is ideal.

Although Beau was a bit pushy, his health is much improved and Dr Katz says he is most likely more pushy because he is feeling strong. He was a bit unruly on the cross ties but I think I need to put him on the cross ties more often. Duke of course was excellent but I dont like having Beau on them very much. Hes a bit kicky, stompy and gets a bit pushy. Thats how he was last week and I dont think hes very good with Dave.

  • Work on ground work with Krystyn
  • Put Beau on the cross ties each week
  • Get Beau working in the arena wiht his saddle, compared to his free love and liberty work.
  • After about 4 weeks straight of the Beau being tacked up start the using his bit and working toward doing some light riding
Seems like a light enough plan but I think he needs nore dicipline than the walking and liberty work that hes been doing pretty good at.
I want to bring him down the road more often, starting with walking around the barn more to get accustome to being on the lead line and paying attention to the one on one that you need to have when doing farm walking lead line. THi sis what I expect from him.

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Only at barn, on Sunday, sunny 70s, nice

 Finally was able to get Patti out of the house, its been over 2 weeks. 

I texted her to see if she wanted to visit late in the day on Sunday, she was good to go.

Was with Wes overnight and then we were busy at the house, little tired from staying up late. We went for an early mornnig walk to get our big boy caterpillar, visited the waterfall at the dam, made doughnuts, hit Joann fabrics, A great weekend with Wes <3.

But dropped him back off at home, headed over to the barn, except for Beau being excellent and finally getting to see Patti, I was disappointed because Kristie trying to make a gang of friennds.

But keeping track on why you are at the barn works everytime. Ran up to the paddock, there he was so cute, just waiting, I felt bad that I didnnt see him on Saturday but the day was pretty full with swimming with Wes all day. It was a full weekend.

I let Beau graze at teh top of the hill near the paddock and then we did he exercises, well he started doing them as we walked down. I didnt go into too much really just some walking backwards and no side movinng and no turns, I saw his knee highs were gettinng a bit snuck down soemtimes when I get there on the weekends. We walked down then into the arena, I did not see June but she slammed a tool or something, and Beau reared up and spun his butt around. I thought itwas just a bird but it was June.
I told Beau to take it easy.  We ended up working out doing the back ups andn he did a perfect at the stair step, So proud.

Then I took him out to the grass, grazed until he was feeling great. Then we walked back into our stall. He was great.

If no one was there I would have walked him down the roadway, maybe next time. Washint there lonng really but it was enough. Talked with the group on the way out, then drove back to Pattis, talked for while about Patti's colitis and dealing with stress, gave her advice. 

New Little Goat Pancake

Pancake, hes only a few months old and his voice is so cute. I dont hear the other goats do much vocalizing but this little one is being protected by the black goat and its so cute.

For the last few months I visualize putting on Beau's saddle and getting him tacked up in the arena. I will keep on visualizing this until I finally do it.

Ill keep woring with him, getting his focus working, making sure he listens or is listeing to me when we are working together. I keep being generous and kind. Ill try to be a little bit firm but not a jerk.

Friday, September 6, 2024

Last couple of weeks trying to up with my boy Beau

 Last weekend, one day so peaceful did lots of chores with the supplements.
Just sat there in the late afternnoon really relaxing.

Had Beau in the area, sort of did some exercises, not sure if Beau was in turn or not. It was a Sunday and Erika's Shower was Saturday and it took every bit of my energy.

Walking some, and doing small amount of exericies. 

I am taking a break for a few weeks, while I heal from the big push over, where Beau flew by me, in July,

August 10th

Monday, August 19, 2024

Great 4H SHOW with Va, Not so good visit at the barn July 28

 Picked up Valerie in the mornig she was very cute and looking forward to coming out to have some fun.

We went to the horse show and she saw so many horses, she likes that alot then we walked around alot.

We saw lots of horses and met a few of the pony club people. He liked the white pony and we sawa lots of horses that had smaller girls like her doing some of the lead line work.

We had a grea time almost joined a pony club then went over to do Beau's supplemnets

I was getting things ready and Val adn I wennnt up to the paddocks

it goes over in my mind over and over.

I did not hook the lead line onto to Beau's halter, right away and Val stood in front of the gate,blockign it Beau was about to blow through her and I could see he was doing a strange type of behavior, 

As he was getting ready to charge out, I tried to push him back and he challenged me alot. I looked over at Val, then I threw myself in her place and pushed her back behind the gate. Beau blew by us both annd I fell hard bruising my ribs pretty badly. by the nighttime I realized I was pretty hurt and went innto get xrays in the morning. It was not a sure thing but the nurse practiioner said that could be cracked no way to tell but if pain gets worse over the next few days, I need to go back.

The good news is that I have no more pneumonia in my lungs, in the xrays.

Its been terrible, painful sleepinng all throgh vacation. turning over in bed is so difficult and I have been on ibuprophen for a few weeks.  Terrible

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Only went Saturday then Monday night

 I had to skip Sunday because I was with Wes the afternoon with Chase and Raychel.

Then I kept Wes until later in the day. He wanted to go home after swimming and then he asked if we could meet up with Raychel at the waterfall in Billerica, the Falls at the dam, Faulkner Mills.

Monday I brought over the fly booties for Beau so cute but I didn't put them on.

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Dave did the new shoes, orange boots not working out

 I talked to Patty she uses some mesh not tight boots, so I bought a pair, teal green or purple. Seinna uses purper so I have to get the teal ones. Hope they show up on the doorstep soon.

The cow kicking and stomping is too much for poor Beau, he needs to be comfortable in his old age. <3

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Saturday Night it poured Sunday afternoon funny Beau Filled the paddock waters

I went over to the barn later at around 730 the sky was beautilful I only got a small shot of it but as I drove there the spots through the trees were scarlet red just beautiful. I had sprinkled a bit but it seemed ok I didnt think there would be more rain. Later in the night it poured so hard that the horses were restless and kicked about the stalls. 
I was just going to hang out and put the new boots on. Beau really did not like the boots at first. He kicked around alot. I had gotten the towel and doused it with cool water and placed it on Beau. I did nt like it as much as I had thought. He may have felt uncomfortable. I opened up the back door and a breeze moved through the barn.

Sunday I was able to meet up with Patti and we did some extra work at the barn, we took our horses in the heat and bad air was too much. When I went up to the paddock there was sweat coming from Beaus face dripping down. I was a bit worried, I put the soft halter on him, as we walked down the grassy path and he was pretty gentle, just grazing. He was nice, I had put up the barrier on the ailse so we could go in the arena after his shower. As I walked in the grass area and got the hose for him, and we walked to the grass near the mares. 

As I was getting the hose to sprinkle him with cool water, he broke out and ran out arcoss the dirt parking lot, and ran around I called his name and he walked quickly over to August, Peanut and the other horse with Peanut. I was standing there just sort of laughinng, then I walked over to him at Peanut grabbed his lead line and he walked quickly with me into the barn into the arena. I let him have some time to blow off some steam.

As Lynn and Patti were talking, Lynn brought in August and looked, the horses many had no or hardly water. Patti and I decide to fill all of the buckets inn all of the paddocks, I got the hose at the top of the hill, and untangled it. Patti connected the hose to th eother horse and then turn on the water, I filled Dakoa, Cisco, jax Dusty all Juliette MIlly Romeo, all the way down. the hnew horses are very swetk

Note:  Saturday, Patti told me was just crazy, while I was not there. I was at Joes BBQ. 
She and Sienna were normal but some rode their horses is the extreme heat warning. They pushed their little young horse to work too hard and then fell off onto the dirt over his head. Poor young one was communicating best he could and she did not listen to his language.
She said as he was trying to let her know he was not feeling well she was yelling at him. No wonnder she ended up on the ground.
Patti untacked her horse and tried to help. Very demanding. Im glad I wasnt there because I may not be as concernted with her as I am with her horses condition.