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Monday, August 19, 2024

Great 4H SHOW with Va, Not so good visit at the barn July 28

 Picked up Valerie in the mornig she was very cute and looking forward to coming out to have some fun.

We went to the horse show and she saw so many horses, she likes that alot then we walked around alot.

We saw lots of horses and met a few of the pony club people. He liked the white pony and we sawa lots of horses that had smaller girls like her doing some of the lead line work.

We had a grea time almost joined a pony club then went over to do Beau's supplemnets

I was getting things ready and Val adn I wennnt up to the paddocks

it goes over in my mind over and over.

I did not hook the lead line onto to Beau's halter, right away and Val stood in front of the gate,blockign it Beau was about to blow through her and I could see he was doing a strange type of behavior, 

As he was getting ready to charge out, I tried to push him back and he challenged me alot. I looked over at Val, then I threw myself in her place and pushed her back behind the gate. Beau blew by us both annd I fell hard bruising my ribs pretty badly. by the nighttime I realized I was pretty hurt and went innto get xrays in the morning. It was not a sure thing but the nurse practiioner said that could be cracked no way to tell but if pain gets worse over the next few days, I need to go back.

The good news is that I have no more pneumonia in my lungs, in the xrays.

Its been terrible, painful sleepinng all throgh vacation. turning over in bed is so difficult and I have been on ibuprophen for a few weeks.  Terrible