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Sunday, August 28, 2016

Long day with Duke ended perfect






Went over on Sunday for some quality time with Duke.  I tacked him up Western and did some walking also.  I did learn a little bit about mounting him.  He isn't a good boy when it comes to me getting on him at the mounting block.  He moves on purpose and tries to I think make it difficult.  Well if I position him too far back or forward he will move so that I can position him at the spot of the getting on. I need to work with him on his skills in the arena mounting him.
After a bit we walked out to the front driveway.  I was able to get him all the way over to the field walk way and then he  backed up across the street to the end of the driveway's dirt.  As you can see he sat there because I would not allow him to give up and turn back.  I kept him looking out toward the fields.  Bonnie drove by in her car to do an errand and she smiled knowing what I was working on. After having colic, getting new medicine for his arthritis and getting his 3 months (July, July, August) he is feeling better than he has in about 1 entire year. 
Anyway it was very hot, and we were out at the driveway and I thought, 45 min that's enough he can go back now but we made it to the driveway and staying mounted facing the fields for a long time.
Then  a black chevy blazer drove by on Greenwood road, Stacie was diving and I could see Hannah.  They were so happy to see me and Duke.  They stopped smiled and went over to the barn.  I stayed facing the fields in the hot sun. I had my new cut shorts and my tank top.  I wanted to give up on him.  He just didn't want to go ride with me, in the fields or in the arena.  I was feeling low.
It didn't take long before Hannah ran out to meet us at the driveway.  She said that she would be ready to ride in a little while but she had to eat.  It didn't take too long that I steered Duke ack to the barn to check in with Stace and Hannah.  We walked together.

When Hannah came out and petted Duke on the forehead so gently while  had been so abrupt with him for the past hour.  It was a breath of fresh air to see Hannah with Duke.

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Friday, August 26, 2016

Love dukes white patch Subday

Great picture by Stace
Hannah is a great help with Duke. She has taught me so much!
I try and stay patient with Duke's learning so much in such a short while.
Its going great.

Saturday, August 13, 2016

Morning Spa Day for Duke

When I got to the barn I knew I needed to be fast, no matter what we did.  There were so many people there. Danielle, Krystyn, Bonnie, that guy who helps clean, Danielles kids, the owners of Safari Mom and Dad.  Danielle said that Duke had some probs on his back.  Its been so hot and I saw some strange matting happening.
I brushed Duke out for a while in the barn with the ties but they were cleaning the stalls with the ATV so Bonnie said to move.  The other family was out in the ailse next door so I took Duke out to the Paddock and had a great day brushing him out for hours (it seemed).

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Late night Bareback 86 degrees - HOT again

Wanted to stretch Dukes legs because he was in the stall today
He hates to be in during the day.  The later rides to the barn are so peaceful.  I love to be there alone wth him but still there is a feeling of scary in the air.  It seems like because Im with Duke its ok.

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Gotta see Duke when we got home from Cape

One of the first times I was able to go to the Barn in the dark alone. I could hear the coyotes howling together in the field. It feels so eerie. I brought that guy an apple and Bonnie gave me the ok for Duke to eat what ever snacks, apples, carrots, and the best Hoofsnax.  I brought him out of his stall on the end.  He was ready for me.  We walked in the arena about 6 laps around. I shared his apple with the other buddies in the rows. At one point I did get to shower him too.  Bonnie gave me a little bit of text. I had to find the lights in the dark.  There was a little mouses with me. I realized just how alone the horses are in the barn and I worry about therm being locked up.  I was so happy to see him!  He was finally well enough to eat snacks.  He walked with me in the arena so well.  I think he likes to stretch his legs with me.  It was easy to get him to trot.  Im still worried about his walking and trotting with my weight on him.
Next day I got a visit from Kanti and Laurie.  Just like the old days.  I loved seeing her.  She was able to meet Bonnie and she even asked about the availability of stalls.  What a great visit.