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Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Gotta see Duke when we got home from Cape

One of the first times I was able to go to the Barn in the dark alone. I could hear the coyotes howling together in the field. It feels so eerie. I brought that guy an apple and Bonnie gave me the ok for Duke to eat what ever snacks, apples, carrots, and the best Hoofsnax.  I brought him out of his stall on the end.  He was ready for me.  We walked in the arena about 6 laps around. I shared his apple with the other buddies in the rows. At one point I did get to shower him too.  Bonnie gave me a little bit of text. I had to find the lights in the dark.  There was a little mouses with me. I realized just how alone the horses are in the barn and I worry about therm being locked up.  I was so happy to see him!  He was finally well enough to eat snacks.  He walked with me in the arena so well.  I think he likes to stretch his legs with me.  It was easy to get him to trot.  Im still worried about his walking and trotting with my weight on him.
Next day I got a visit from Kanti and Laurie.  Just like the old days.  I loved seeing her.  She was able to meet Bonnie and she even asked about the availability of stalls.  What a great visit.

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