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Saturday, March 24, 2018

later in the Day, 41 degrees

It was a good day meaning it wasn't raining or in the single digits.  Actually it was the warmest day I have been to the barn in a long time.  As I was coming around the bend in the Greenwood Rd I could see that there was not a soul in sight.  I heaven.  The horses are in the barn and it was still light out.  It was about 6pm. I pulled up, and was able to park in the area next to the barn w/o worrying about getting stuck or having a hard time getting out.  I parked and the horses were all in I could hear the goats through the window. I went in and brushed out Duke a little. I have the new cleaner, I saturated his tail and dry brushed it a bit.  I put on his halter and lead line and out of the frond door.  It had been closed up tight for the night.  He was happy to be out and to see me. 
We went directly out the barn door and out the driveway to the road.  We stayed on the edge where the soft dirt was exposed.  I'm so happy that there was so much for him to walk on.  I had the new snacks that I got from Tractor Supply in Merrimac.  Plus I had all of the cut up apples and one big green apple.   We walked all the way to Bonnie's driveway.  I asked him to stop and he did perfectly, I gave him the first snack.  He was so happy.  We turned crossed, I gave him another one.  He was the peppy walking, really feeling good. I'm not sure I saw him feel this up in a while.  We got all of the way back and at the end of the road near the barn, I pulled him into the snow and he was happy, he dug only for a moment and then we went down into the snow rolling. 
So happy.  He makes me so happy. I took off his blanket.  Then we went over to the trailers and search for more grass, it was just ok. We cut across the snow to the end I noticed that the barn had a huge gauge in the end of it.
We walked onto the road and over to the mares paddock and we played in the paddock.  Duke was exceptually quick in his step.  We went back an forth and it was beautiful.  He was so up beat.  The amount of energy he had was really good.  He usually wasn't that bouncy.
We moved around a lot and his activity level was great. I decided to keep going back and forth for a while and get his miles up.  We were very happy at one point as he was following me around for his "good boy" snack he turned and kicked up his hoofs, actually did a buck and I was too close to it.  This brings it home for me, I need to be more careful near him.

We decided to go back into the barn for some cleaning. I wanted to put in in the cross ties so that I could keep him more manageable. He needs to be listening. I got him facing his own stall.  I got out the new cleaning stuff and also a new clean rag that I had in the car. I soaked his face and scrubbed it. Then I brushed him out.  Hes shedding like crazy.  He tried to pull out of the ties, he broke one off of the small lines it was attached.  I loved brushing him out with the new brush.  He liked it too.  one of the mares was giving him dirty looks teeth on the bars and also pinned ears.  He didn't even notice.  Hes so funny how he cares about food more than any thing else.
Well I cleaned him up and then we went into arena, I talked to him and he was so coorperative.  Its nice we walked and he stepped up his pace again just like he did on the road. I had the 2 jumps in the center of the arena, I decided after a warm up Id see if he would pick up the pace.  He walked and I started trotting over to the jump and we both jumped over the bars on the ground. I gave him a huge hug and snack.  He loved it.  Againi, we did it again and he jumped even more.  The third time was alittle jump and then the last ime he stepped quickly over it.
I was very happy with him.
I brought him back to his stall, gave him his snacks, apple pieces and cookie treats.  I went along the stalls and gave then all treats, apples and cookies.  I was then ready to go home.  It was very nice almost 8pm.  I felt great.  There was a fabulous visit.

Sunday, March 18, 2018

Weekend visits Friday Saturday Sunday


quick visit to bring over some Previcox.  Saw Krystyn, Dave was shoeing Duke that day.  Did an evaluation on him before Dave got htere.


So cold I had a much easier time getting Duke out of the paddock, as soon as I mentioned his name he walked over the gate and got me to latch his leadline.


Visit and a walk down the street and in the arena, before there was an eval of Kensey with Kristin and Krystyn in the arena.  The paddock was the worst.  Duke was so difficult ot get on Saturday and then on Sunday he came over right away.  Doc didnt even try to come to the gate.  Im not sure about those two actually.

Monday, March 12, 2018

Visit on Sunday Walk - In the Sun - Dressage ideas

Talking about having P.Whitmore come to help raise some funds for the barn, is really exciting.  Kristens Manny will be in the group and she is looking forward to learning some fun things to do with Manny. 
I have found this picture of a type of possibly activity for Duke.  I'm going to have him go through the activity on this pattern.  I know that Duke is not happy to do things in the arena but this pattern looks like he would be more challenged if he was needing to listen to me to go through the obstacles not just go around and around.  I really like it.

Sunday, March 11, 2018

Duke sleeping in the sun

Before a cleaning and a walk on n the snow ❤️

Vet Visit - Dr Kerri Flex Test Lyme Test

A 9:30am apt with the Vet at Greenwood. I was having Duke evaluated for his arthritis. She was late, she text Krystyn.  I cleaned up his stall and helped around the barn a little talking with Krystyn. On the way in I called Dave Edmunds to make sure that I had his opinion. I know that Krystyn had another opinion. I like to have them both. 
Well SHe showed up with her pick-up truck.  I told her about Duke's past and how he came to Greenwood in 2016 and was lame and we got him in better shape but in the last few weeks hes been favoring his back leg and I was having him assessed. Also I wanted to have a blood test for Lyme and have him get a check up.  She reach up his mouth int his back teeth.  Dr Kerri said that Duke was about 25 by her guess.  It made me feel even more

When she got there we went directly to Duke in his stall.  She was nice enough and had a pick up truck.  She was definately all about Krystyn. I talked to her and explained the  past of Duke and also about how we got to a place where we were today.  Well she looked at him and we took hin into the arena for a walk.  Then I put up the boards to keep him in and he got so dam excited he ran down the end and kicked up his heels running crazy.  I was impressed, he usually didnt do that, I was thinking he may have been nevrous.  Well she asked if he could be lunged. Well I laughed and said, well and Krystyn piped up and said she would try.  Well she did and nothing happened. I volunteered to be lunged too.  Well it worked out good.  She watched him as he ran wiht me and then walked him.  She decided to do a Flex Test.  This is wear she compressed his legs, back legs and then we run to see if it is painful or he limps on it.  Well the first one went great and the second one he looked stiff.  She gave him a 2.5 out of 5 on the limpness scale.  Where does it show when walking.  He did really well. I can tell that if he feels badly he tried to over come it.

The AAEP guidelines explain the grading system this way:
0: Lameness not perceptible under any circumstances
1: Lameness is difficult to observe and is not consistently apparent, regardless of circumstances (e.g. under saddle, circling, inclines, hard surface, etc.).2: Lameness is difficult to observe at a walk or when trotting in a straight line but consistently apparent under certain circumstances (e.g. weight-carrying, circling, inclines, hard surface, etc.).3: Lameness is consistently observable at a trot under all circumstances.4: Lameness is obvious at a walk.5: Lameness produces minimal weight bearing in motion and/or at rest or a complete inability to move.
She gave a recommendation of bute to get him back on track and then possibly go from his current meds to a more expensive one. Equisine or something like that.  We spoke a bit more and I asked for a Lyme blood test.  I know that Krystyn was against it but Ill never ever do what everything thinks I shouldnt.  What do I have to lose. Ill put in a pic of the reciect.  Its been about 2 weeks+ since he started the new supplements.
Good morning at Greenwood

In the paddock
Waiting for the Vet, Dr Kerri 

Lunging Duke :)

Flex Test

Im hoping to hear from Dr Kerri soon.

Saturday, March 3, 2018

Got a text from Bonnie

To call her when I got a chance. It wasn't good news but it wasn't anything bad about his health.
He had gotten out, took the door down and she was unsure if where he would be for a stall. After a nice Visit for Monday night.
I feel badly that there was damage.