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Monday, March 18, 2019

Saturday & Sunday

Went over in the morning kinda, before 12 but not much. I went into the barn to check out the new locks on Duke's stall.  They look  great and its easier to manage him back and forth in the stall.  He was over in with old area of the paddock, before the end of the day he would be moved back around into the area near Muck.  Muck because they broke the fencing was in for the day, in his stall. I felt bad and gave him a snack, he doesn't trust my carrots but the rest of the herd outside like both cooked and carrots. Plus who doesn't love apples too.There were no stalls done when I went into the office, Krystyn said that the week was terrible, gator died and the had do to the stalls by wheel barrel. They managed to use the back hoes shovel to cut back on all of the back breading it would be to drag the manure through the mud over to the back of the barn.
Beautiful day again but it was spooky windy. Duke was redally jumpy as I walked him around outside. so much that I went back in.  He was jumping up in the air and acting up. I know that its because I need to work with him more. Train him.
Sunday I went into the arena but for a little while only. I know I hd walked about 1 mile + on Saturday and wanted to at least stretch his legs. Maybe I should have let him loose to run around but I want him to be better on the lead line. We work with the training that Phil Whitmore gave us. He goes and steps back when I ask. All I did was to put my body in the position and just wave not even touch him and he backs up. The arena is still wet.

Saint Patricks Day Sunday, I wanted to have a great supper first, St Patricks day and all. so I cooked a great dinner, made banana bread and did tons of chores, mopped floors did lots of laundry etc. Then about 5pm I headed over to the barn.  It was still light and the moon was showing in the sky. Duke was in his stall the barn was sealed up tight. It was really windy out plus I thought it was cold. Ididnt want to walk him in wind and dark, it was just too late. Still alone we walked in the arena. He did the best when I asked him to do the backing up, it keeps him busy with his thoughts.I was wondering if I could get Krystyn to help me with Liberty training. I would love it.  Anyway I walked him until Hannah came into arena with Townes.  She came in the barn earlier, no one with her, not stacie and not her father or mother. I am uncomfortable knowing that she is not being watched. She's just not that experienced in the ring alone. Anyway I groomed hm lovely for a long time.  Hannah just did some quick pic of Townes feet and threw on the saddle. It seems that I love to groom Duke a lot more than that. After a while she rode only a few minutes it seemed and then put the saddle away, not too much time with Townes and she gave some of the horses pieces of carrat and jumped in her brothers truck and left.  I wondered how the wet footing in the arena was for her. I dont think she was actually doing too much.  Just exercising herself and Townes. Well I kept brushing, cleaning picking his feet cleaning his tail for a while.  As time passed, it became dark, I had gone over at about 5pm or a bit earlier. Now its been a while so its later and dark. I looked outside looked around.  As I was in front of duke scratching his face with the special brush, I heard eerie screetches that continueed on they were behind the barn near the corner area.  I was absolutely frightening. I thought that after a few of the screetching outbursts, I went into the stall and looked into the darkness of the night. Being alone in the barn isnt really being alone.  I am with 18 horses, giant horses. I felt would coyotes break into the barn? Have they before?  Another outburst, I looked Duke in the eyes, hes usually been overly jumpy about sounds in the woods.  His face was solemn.

Saturday, March 9, 2019

Went over at 12 Noon temps reaching 45 finally

So cold lately in the teens then today it finally reached over 30, for the last couple weeks it hadn't been 30 for a long time.
I went in and there were still stalls to do our whole aisle left.  I was relieved to see that somehow Duke's doorway was able to be put back so we could stay in his stall, it was broken but somehow they were able to get it to latch.  The gator was positioned in the other side and it looked like the stalls were ready for me to help out. No sign of Krystyn or Bonnie.  I imagined that they were in the office taking a break.  When I walked down the aisle I could see people in the arena. There were more than usual 3 cars I didn't recognize them at all.  As I walked into the other side, the side that I thought, the stall was still full of boxes and other storage.  He wasn't moved.  I was relieved to see my things still in the number one stall. Joliet stood in the entrance way ti the arena. On top of that great horse, there was a man that at one time must have been a strong impressive rider.  As he moves in the arena you can see how carefully Joliet carries him. I wasn't able to see him. actually ride with any skill. I think that I will try to be there sometime when he is exercising the group. He asked me to get his wife out in the car to help him dismount. I was so happy just to have Duke back in his stall.  The sun was shine outside.
I did my job helping and talking to Bonnie and Krystyn as we got the job done.  When I hot there I had a ton of apple and a bag of carrots. I went out and gave Doc, Duke and Muke an apple each.  Duke wanted me to take him out. He was back in his old paddock where Doc was in the empty one next to Muke. Duke was grazing in the hay in the paddock the sun was warming his butt.
I shoveled talk swept. Bonnie said her hip was killing her, she asked me to comer rest with them in the office after a few stalls.  We talked it was nice.  Bonnie and Krystyn are really nice people.
As we finished the last stall and filled up the gator I took my bucket full of brushes and stuff for Duke and took our my lead line to put Duke on the rail to groom him outside just like we used to. Last time I tried it he was daughter. Today was different. It as just like the old days except he listens to me and did not push me.
As I was able to brush him with the curry comb and stayed still not like he ever does he was so patient AT first he was confused but as soon as I put the lead line on

Friday, March 8, 2019

Bonnie thinks that Duke will need to move over to stall near Muke

I asked why she said he took down another door. Its like each year he takes it down.
Ill post the picture she shared with me later

Storm Saturday only Sunday only

cold morning
Got to the farm and went right over and gave the 2 carrots, Muke and Duke got apple each
helped with the stalls only a couple
It snowed the day before
Kristin Krystyn did the stalls
bonnie had a cold
Krystrn said her and bonnie both fell on the ice earier that week
Duke was in that spot he likes next to Muke
Did chores shovled a couple stalls (3)
Snacked with the girls on salad
Went back to work
Groomed Duke
worked on removing his shedding fur again
did his hoofs
shampooed his beaituful tail
He behaved in the arena walking
he behaved on the road
He went back into his paddock such a happy boy.