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Saturday, March 9, 2019

Went over at 12 Noon temps reaching 45 finally

So cold lately in the teens then today it finally reached over 30, for the last couple weeks it hadn't been 30 for a long time.
I went in and there were still stalls to do our whole aisle left.  I was relieved to see that somehow Duke's doorway was able to be put back so we could stay in his stall, it was broken but somehow they were able to get it to latch.  The gator was positioned in the other side and it looked like the stalls were ready for me to help out. No sign of Krystyn or Bonnie.  I imagined that they were in the office taking a break.  When I walked down the aisle I could see people in the arena. There were more than usual 3 cars I didn't recognize them at all.  As I walked into the other side, the side that I thought, the stall was still full of boxes and other storage.  He wasn't moved.  I was relieved to see my things still in the number one stall. Joliet stood in the entrance way ti the arena. On top of that great horse, there was a man that at one time must have been a strong impressive rider.  As he moves in the arena you can see how carefully Joliet carries him. I wasn't able to see him. actually ride with any skill. I think that I will try to be there sometime when he is exercising the group. He asked me to get his wife out in the car to help him dismount. I was so happy just to have Duke back in his stall.  The sun was shine outside.
I did my job helping and talking to Bonnie and Krystyn as we got the job done.  When I hot there I had a ton of apple and a bag of carrots. I went out and gave Doc, Duke and Muke an apple each.  Duke wanted me to take him out. He was back in his old paddock where Doc was in the empty one next to Muke. Duke was grazing in the hay in the paddock the sun was warming his butt.
I shoveled talk swept. Bonnie said her hip was killing her, she asked me to comer rest with them in the office after a few stalls.  We talked it was nice.  Bonnie and Krystyn are really nice people.
As we finished the last stall and filled up the gator I took my bucket full of brushes and stuff for Duke and took our my lead line to put Duke on the rail to groom him outside just like we used to. Last time I tried it he was daughter. Today was different. It as just like the old days except he listens to me and did not push me.
As I was able to brush him with the curry comb and stayed still not like he ever does he was so patient AT first he was confused but as soon as I put the lead line on

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