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Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Duke gets bitten by love for Sienna

 Looks like Duke lives Sienna

Here’s a little love bite she gave him to show her feelings 


Saturday, June 19, 2021

Funny boy 89 degrees

 Hit summer night started cooking down I headed over around 630

Krystyn was working with Cisco

My sweet boy was calling to me as I walked to the barn

Perfect summer night

Saturday, May 29, 2021

45 degrees 90s last week


Dukes left front had blood on it
He’s been in because the poring rain for a few days. Bonnie has no idea where he would have gotten the wound. I put some of the mercurochrome. 

He’s also got that rub mark that Dr Katz says is from him using it to balance. 

Sunday, May 2, 2021

Great Saturday

 It was everything I want out of a day at the barn. I left around 12 and They were just putting down hay and getting ready for the waters. I saw My dirty horse with his sun sheild on

I talked with Bonnie and Krystyn for a while

They were beaming over Val and this weeks visit to the barn

I had an apple and I split it between Duke Dusty and Muck

Muck was so happy

Dusty was pretty well behaved not terrible bossy. I was able to get Duke out easy

He was all about the green grass. I brushed him out did all the chores and worked out in the arena walking and doing all the turns 

He was a champ we went to walk the road but all the activities Luisa Rodin bike the kids riding on the lawnmower. I turned back around and we worked out in the arena. After the workout I kept using my crop on him. We opened up in the arena he listened to me as I positioned him either the whip commands 

He was the best horse ever

I was afraid he was lame because he tripped on our walk

He bucked and ran back and forth and never charged me ❤️

I love when Patti is at the barn 

She rode Sienna and then took Townes into the field

Monday, March 29, 2021

Solid Saturday visit

 We are continuing to increase our work together. Although we haven’t had a lesson with Krystyn for about a month we made it through the winter exercising weekly. Tuesday nights aren’t working anymore since I started watching Wes in Tuesday’s. 

This Saturday was less about grooming and hoof treatment and more about exercise. All together about a mile and a half walking. First in the ring and then Duden the road. Dukes been a bit less spooky not sure if it’s the magnesium or just natural. 

Spent time with Bonnie and Krystyn even Garlens owner sends I really enjoyed the visit  he reared for the tractor that nick was driving down the road it’s loud and he drives fast until he saw Duke was jumpy, Duke reared up high but I calmed him and we returned. The good news we got a new helmet from one of galena bits And we are  back to helping Duke was happy and we had time in arena warming up and a great 

Saturday, January 16, 2021

Saturday turns left n right

 Really worked with Duke today. He looks good I think he’s sore from Thursday’s Dr Katz check up. I have his report in email. Krystyn met w Dr Katz because I had an appt to get ultra sound. Dr commented on Dukes arthritis said he was really stiff in heck but said he looked good for his age and was a great patient. He thinks he’s sore but happy and cared for. Bottom line

Keep him moving. 

We cleaned up worked on hoofs, and Dukes fur is less shedding than last several weeks. 

I worked cleaning Duke and we went into the arena. 

Safari had passed yesterday. The mood in the barn is solemn 

Thank god  Patti was riding in the arena. 

Got Duke ready for his afternoon workout after spa day

We did the walking and the stretching 

I decided we would not do open own. But his liberty is astounding 

Duke amazes me more and more each day.

The family came to get Sagaris stuff. It was short and emotional. As the Mom walked in only Kristin waved all others heads down

Slow walk I saw Jess break into tears. It’s so much to handle. 

Duke rolled first so beautiful. 

He gets up on his front first that’s not what most horses do. 

We went outside and we walked around and he was only partly spookygets jumpy still
The rain was off and on

Monday, January 11, 2021

Started turns with me and Duke

 Working in the arena was rewarding

Duke was shedding like 

Fed the ladies some oatcakes 

All the horses were staring at the field and when I took Duke out for a walk he wasn’t hPpy tearing up spooky

Decided to work out on our exercises in the arena

We even were not settled in the field

Duke had so much shedding

This has been the 3 week he’s been shedding brushed him out and he rolled leaving a blanket of beautiful downy white fur

Really proud of his progress 

Poor Duke Dave found an Absess a few weeks

 We looked at the area where Dave found the old absess

Duke must have walked it off with out even complaining

We thought he had bruised his hoof on the new ice

Poor boy he’s been such a good boy for me walking the road and exercising with me

Working out on Tuesdays 

What a good boy