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Saturday, June 29, 2024

15 June working with this guy

 Last week Beau was so good I had so much confidance in him I was imagiing riding him, takcking him up.

This week I was a bit litgher on the results. Beau did not make it down the road very far but I was ready in the case he did. As soon as we started walking the road he got very jump, and snorty. Im not really sure why he does that but I wanted to go to the bump in the road well maybe next time. I think this day, when I got the Patti was riding. Sienna has been doing great. Some day we will go out in the arena with her.
Maybe I should be pushing him hanging with Sienna in the arena.

he was not looking 

back after being sick

 Was finally able to go over and see Beau after bering pretty sick for 2 weeks. Thank god, Krystyn gave Beau all the supplements. I remember vaguely the last time I was at the barn. I know I had some pics and played with the cats. I think I was all gung hoe to work with Beau and he was not really onboard for listening, I think I went to take him for a walk down the road and he was not as controlled as I would have wanted.

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but today was great, he was already in because Krystyn was taking it easy brining the horses in. I had some watermelon and Joliet just loved it along with Spicey. Also Kinsey.
Beau would not touch it. I had lotso f snacks for Muke. 

I got the supplements together and startd to make them up. After I did most of them, I brought Beau out to the arena and we walked a bit I asked him to do some round penning but he was not very active. I started asking him to touch me and follow the directions of back stepping turning and stopping. He did great.

So proud of my guy, picking up his feet, doing good in the arena with his exercises. I will continue to talk more about his disipline and having his tack on when working out.

It became very noisy when Kristy arrived and the new people with their horse. Although she left before me, she did not really work very much with him. 

Beau was in already so he has already had his day. It ended up raining and I went home to rest. Really taking my time to feel stronger again.

Saturday, June 8, 2024

New horses are looking better already

 New horses are so cute

Chewy is near Beau in the paddock but over on other ailse, Romeo and Juliet are so sweet then there is Milly, My little favorite girl left last week, Ruby, so sweet we were treat buddies, she got along so good with Joliet, and the mares.