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Saturday, July 9, 2011

Ride on the Biggest Guy on the farm!

Today Colleen and I headed out at about 825am for our 9am ride. As soon as we got to the farm it became sunny. Last night it poured and this morning at home didnt look very hopeful. As soon as we go there the sun was out and the farm was alive with activity. Young Bobby was in the horse area outside with the trackor cleaning up. The horse were all moving to the front. Shenendoah was pushing out pixie from the feeding stall, literally shoving himself in so that little one was wedged out, when Domino can trotting over and bit Shenendoah on the butt. Sheila yelled at Domino and I defended him by saying it was the othe horse, Shenendoah. I knew then that I was going to ask for Domino today. He had lots of energy and there were no men this morning, so that I could get an opportunity to ride this big guy.
There were only 3 riders, Colleen the older woman and myself. The older woman is frequently a rider on the Saturday 9am rides, today she is going on an advanced ride. She will cantor and enjoy a 2 hour fast ride on areas that we have never seen before. Someday Colleen and I will also ride that ride.
So I got on Domino and he was HUGE! Sheila said firmly, dont let him get away with anything! I felt great! Domino was a tough guy. I would like to ride again I had such a great ride with him.
A strange thing happened when we entered the wooded area before getting to the water, a huge branch made a loud snap and broke from the very tops of the trees. It spooked the horses but I noticed that Domino not only moved off the trail but i found that we were way away from where the branch may have been ready to fall. Domino's senses are great.
Bugs kept biting him Dominos ears and I felt terrible because all the other horses had a net to protect from the dear flies. I felt so bad I started to lean over his neck and get them off his ears and his neck but rubbing his hair. He responded so wonderfully. Each time I saw a deer fly bitting him on his head, I would reach over him to pat it off and Domino would slow and reach his head back to meet my hand. He was letting me shew the flies off him by petting his head, ears, nectk and forehead. It was so cool.
They were biting Colleen's little horse Tobey so bad that he was shaking his head so much the reins were getting pulled out of Collleens hands, like three times! Tobey also reacted to one of the bites so feircely that it was like a spook on the trail. He started to race and Colleen had to calm him down. Tobey had a net on his face too. It should have made it a little less painful for him.
So Before I left Sheila described Dominos trot. She said he takes huge steps and his gait is from side to side so that I may need to move left to right. I imagine its just like a hockey player when they skate.
I am now so sweet for him. My trots were so wild. I could barely stay on when we moved. I think he realized that I was lighter and when we trotted I was all over the saddle, he seemed to move to catch me when he realized that I was struggling to keep on him. After the ride, he was very sweet. He nudged me and hugged my from the fense. I was amazed at his personality. I thought he was all about grass. There is more to this sweet little Shire.

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