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Monday, August 29, 2011

Quick Little Ride on a Friday with Duchess

Duchess at the end of the day, you can see Domino too!
I just needed to quickly write-up a great ride with Amanda, Duchess, and a nice family behind me. The ride was a trot and for the first time in weeks I was able to go around the lake, the weather was perfect and I knew that Colleen couldnt ride so I snuck out on the last day of the week. The week stunk Harvey and Steve were both out. I was doing all the CAGE work for the interface and to top it off, Dave and I did a session of ACME with JC Dominic in the glass room downstairs. I was ready to Get Out of Work!
I called Thursday to sneak out of work but Bobby said he had no openings. He said that the camp was just about out and the kids were still comin. Colleen was still sore from the Smokey incident. Well I let Sheila pick the horse for me, she choose Duchess. I think that Duchess is a great riding horse. This was the first time since the wild ride with Duke. We trotted 6 times at least. Amanda said it was the fastest she had ever went around the lake, 2min. She made me laugh during our ride because as soon as she had turned around to say to our group on the ride that it was the fastest time on the lake, all the horses thought she was saying lets trot, so off they went again. It was a great ride. She laughed because she was the only one that wasnt trotting.
I had no cash to tip Amanda but I told her that it may have been the best ride I had ever had and what a great summer ride on that beautiful day. I did get to quickly talk to Sheila about the Saturday before and Colleen's condition (she was limpin around for a while). She's better now.

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