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Saturday, December 10, 2011

Took the trail today then took it backwards to farm Blue

Today's ride was different in many ways.  Colleen made cookies and bought an xmas has for bobby and I had a card for him  Colleen wanted to put him in good xmas spirits. Colleen was wearing a hand made hat  that had 2 pompoms.  Id say she was spirited and she was sharing the spirit. The weather was warmer that we thought. The weather man said thirties this morning. By the time we came back to the farm it was almost 50.  Today's ride was a 9am.  I love 9am.

Enja was our guide and Sheila took out 2 girls for an on trail lesson. Those girls needed to go on the trail.  One of them was tailgating Blue wicked bad.  He even tripped a few times.  Blue is a great horse.  We chose to do a trail that the horses cantor on and he wanted to run.  I mean run, Enja was surprised and I was that I had to disappoint him with pulling back the reins.  It was a great ride.  He tried to cantor or run a few times.  Enja said he probably wanted to run. Wow, Blue wants to run.  Its a great day.

Bobby at the window

Anyway the girls were with Sheila and then ended up joining us. Jewel was Sheila's horse and she said she was tailgating lately and going to have her do better after a "guides ride".  I think she'll be fine.  Blue has a beautiful face. I think he has the prettiest face in the stable.

Oreo for Colleen (Sheila said switch it up) and Blue for me.  Sheila says, the bumpiest horses in the stable.  Its good for us. I have ridden Blue many times this summer and fall.

Here is my friend Colleen.  She is so full of Xmas Cheer.
Beautiful Blue --  Pretty Face (You can see Hershey in the back being a sweetheart). This shot is behind the Barn.
Here we are heading back to the farm the backway. Thats Beautiful Blue's pretty fur.
Halfway through the ride we turned around and came back to the farm on the trail that we take. Sheila said the trails on the left were washed out.  Blue was pretty happy about the decision.  He hated the puddles yesterday.  So we turned around and came back on the outward trail. Pretty cool.
Duke getting his new shoes! Young Bobby is doing the shoein. 
When we got back, we heard that Duke needed a shoe.  Bobby was in the barn shoeing him. I took a couple of horse shoeing shots.  Then Bobby said I could come closer if I wanted to.  I wanted to. I took some shots of Duke and was able to talk to him and pet him a bit while Bobby shoed him.  It was wonderful.  Winston Enja's horse was in the barn and Shiela was giving many people a group lesson.  Like 8 people including a mom.  The farm was very busy it was nice to see all the activities.

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