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Saturday, August 25, 2012

Great ride made a new friend, Kanti - Duke

I believe this sweeties name is Malaki, new horse but maybe a boarder im not sure yet.

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Sunday, August 5, 2012

Quick Ride at 11am on Blue

Just had to see if I could get a ride in.  Its so hot like 95 degrees.  This day was ok just to walk. I would have trotted but the group needed to take it easy on the horses.  Im ok with it.  Blue was a good boy. When I got to the farm I walked toward the office window to pay for the ride. I was finally early for a ride. I could just relax and talk to the horses, goats and cats.
There were a few families and me.  The kids were learning about horses.  3 families.
Blue had his cowl on his face but the horse flies were still all over him.  Poor thing. I shewed them off.
The ride was shorter like on Friday.  The fun part for me is that Winston and Anja was in front of me and Anja was asking me questions about games.  She's a gamer. She likes Steam and plays lots of fun games.  It made the ride pretty interesting.  The trails are less dusty than a couople weeks ago but we need the rain its true.  When we went up the hill where we take a right and go around the lake, we went the hard left again and doubled back.  I am looking forward fall in a way.  The fall has some beautiful cool crisp days.  The horses love it too.
Blue was good.  He walks slower but Winston is fast walker.
When we got back I was very happy. I went into the stable and saw the new horse Bobby says she is a mare, named Belle.  She had gotten a hoff in the back leg.  It looked swollen and hurtful last week. Bobby said that the vet came last week.  He said that someone has to go in and relieve the blood and the  horse is relieved by the help.

Belle came over to me and let me gently caress her face.  She was causiuos but trusting for a small moment. I could feel that she was having some pain.  She was very sweet acting.  After she went over to the hay bails and starting eating again with Yogi the pony. I wanted to stay all day.  I watched the next ride load and then finally went to get my ice coffee and head home to spend some time outside near the pool.

Friday, August 3, 2012

April, Mel Duke, Horsey Mumps, and Midnight

What a special ride today. Tina met at our house at 9:30 I hadnt even taken a shower yet.  I was in my PJs.  I hurried up took the shower had some coffee and off we went.  I had the crown vic finally. Raychel took the truck it was Friday and I took the day off.
Great idea I had a nice day.

We got to the farm with about 4 min to spare. We ran and paid got the kids helmuts on and Duke was up quickly and I was already heading out to the line up.  I saw the girls quickly coming around the corner.  April had Midnight and Mel had Boger.  He is so cute. They looked nervous. While I was getting my saddle adjusted I asked Val if she would take care of Mel and April and make sure they were feeling good. She said dont worry.  We started out it was a big ride. The horses didnt seem to go in for water. Duke took a drink though.  We got in line and walked the trails. The girls were nervous.  It make me hope they would relax. Tina was sitting in the chairs in the shade. She was pretty happy.
Im pretty sure that Sheia set it up so that we could break off and trot with her.  Just when its was time to break off the girls decided that they wanted to walk only.  April said it first then I said I dont want to separate and Mel said ok me too.
So we went on the walk.  It was very relaxing.  The girls got a great feel for the trail. We went on a short version we started around the lake and then at the top of the hill where I love trot, we took a hard left.  It was where we turn to go to the fields too.  We doubled back by the wooden trail near the edge of the lake and headed back around the lake near past the rope swing and the campfire by the lake. The ride seemed the perfect length.

It was so hot.  90+ but it was a very nice ride. At first the girls were so nervous then they lightened up. We are talking about our next ride soon.  I cant wait. They were so cute.
The kids started to loosen up.  Boger didnt go very fast for Mel which kept me from talking to her as much and April was in front of me and by the long rail trail after the 2nd bridge she started talking to me more.
We came out of the gate at the end of the farm.  There were boarder horses at the edge.