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Sunday, January 19, 2014

Missed the ride with guides today, the trails are limited - fun visit

Today I didnt make it for the ride the guides went on. I have to make sure that I have Sarah's number so I can contact her exactly when we go out to ride.  Well it was great seeing everyone.  They were in the Tack Room sitting eating cookies.  They said that they had a nice ride but I could tell it was short. Bob Sandi and Sarah were in the room at the table.  I told them all a little bit more about my riding in FLA.  It was nice.  Sarah said there was a new horse.  His name was the New Malaki for now.  He was so cute. He is very muscular and Peso and Callie have a crush on him.  He actually broke out of the fence when they were in the herd running before dinner.  I have inluded the pictures below.  I fed the horses and goats and then went out to the dining area to see the horses run around and kick up there heels.  It was so cute.  Well, Malaki, Callie, and Peso lead about 12 of the horses out the back fence and then into the woods.  It was a total panic for me.  In about 10 minutes most of the horses along with Hershey at the lead were at the back gate hungry, tired and ready to be let back in.  But there were 3 horses missing.  The girls, Anya, Sandi and Sarah  ran and got the Polaris and the girls went out to look for the 3.  Bobby jumped in his car with this nice man and headed out to the area where he thought they would be. Sure enough Bob found them. I have a picture of the girls who walked them back while Bob took the ATV and met at the Farm.  I stayed with Cathy at the barn.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Florida 78 degrees on a 2 hour Ride with Fiona at Rock Run Wildlife Sanctuary

TAking a trip to Florida for work in January while Mass stays frozen solid seems like a a great opportunity but to work means that you are spending as much time as possible with the sponsor so that you are adding value.  That means over 8+ hours working for the good of the cause. 
So this means that if I wanted to do any of recreation you would need to do it either before the activity or after.  After seemed un-thinkable for there I would have to spend the time at night that I really needed to do the extra work (because I didnt have network). plus I was working my school assignments.  Anyway.
I reseached the nearest place to trail ride.  With the limited flights if  wanted to go to Cactus Jack's, Rock Run Trail rides in the Sorrento Fla area that is about 30 miles away, I would have to leave Boston on a 7:15.  Well I made the decision I needed to do something of value so I had a good attitude during the event.  It was a good call.
I got to the airport and settled in the car and area, although I did circle around the airport because I was confused about the signage to exit.
Started my adverture deciding to go directly to the stable even though it seemed I had plenty of time.  I said no to the GPS.  Second day with my new phone.  Not sure it was a good idea but I needed to have good communication not neccesarily gps if the case that I needed help.  I didnt realize I had chosen a toll road that was almost impossible to have enough (coins only no attendant).
Continue more later.

Halfway through the 2 hour ride in Rock Run Springs, Sorrento Florida

Jan in Florida is better than Jan in Massachusetts.  Will update later.


ading out