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Sunday, January 5, 2014

First Ride 2014 Duke, Kanti Anja, no customers all leases or guides

For the last few days it has been huge snow storm and Zero degress but Sunday's weather, mid 30s and clear.  Thank goodness, Kanti is healed and coming to ride sometime today.  The schedule had no rides.  Sarah the night before said she'd go out if there was no work with me on a ride and we could get Kanti too.   Well looks like people scheduled rides 2, 3 and 4.  Well Kanti got there and said she wanted to go on a 1pm.  It was going to be Sarah, Kanti and I.  Kanti asked everyone if they wanted to go.   The snow was deep but there was ice underneath.  Duke and Bogie were slipping.  Duke was so beautiful.  I loved how sweet he was to me.  I believe he knows Im leasing him.  He loved th carrots.  I gave out all the carrots myself after the ride. I even gave Mariah and Domino a couple.  Cathy was in the barn ring shoveling poop in a pile and feeding the horses hay.  The ride was a 2pm but We scheduled a guide ride at 1pm.  Kanti, Sandi, Sarah, Anja and myself.  I think that Sarah was on chiquita today.  She loves her. The ride at first was pretty soft snow but when we got to the lake there were think ice below the snow.  Luckily these horses are so good in the weather. I know specifically that Duke is a prize in the snow. So smart.  Kanti was so excited to ride she just got on and went.  Anja went up front and off we went.  Sarah was last and she cantored to catch up.

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The ride was peaceful we did slide comeing down from the bridges a little and we also ran into some snow mobiles but they went off the track and didnt bother us at all.  We stuck to the main run and didnt go down by the river.  Anja was out because of the her classes and she was able to ride more.  She is going to school to be a Vet.  Its so exciting that she is going to help animals.
Well the ride was great, I fed Tulsa some carrots, Pixie was in the barn iwth a blanket.  She was feeling terrible and ended up biting sarah she has a huge bite on her shoulder.  Well on the ride there were so many little animal tracks.  When Duke wasnt walknig up out of the ice area we were able to see tons litlte animal tracks.  The rabbits, tiny little mouses, fox, dog like tracks, and deer prints.  It was so sweet.  A few times Duke slipped because under the snow was think ice.
Tulsa was looking better, she was in the small stall area.  Cathy was cleaning up poop and giving they all hay.  I was giving the carrots to Tonto, Pixie with a blanket, I gave Cathy some carrots for Tabu for later and some for now.  I havent seen Sargeant in a while and I need to go back there and make sure he gets some love.
Ill post some of the beautiful picturs from today later.  I forgot that the lens had gotten cold and then malfunctioned.  But I got pleanty of pics before the lens failed.  Bob was resting in the office.  He says since his heart prob he gets tired when he thinks he shouldnt.

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