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Sunday, February 9, 2014

First Time Riding by myself plus I was with Callie

This was a totally exciting day to ride for me. I had talked with Sarah the night before and she said she would be working the next day.  I had so many chores to do but I wasnt sure if Id make it to the barn for an actual ride, it was getting late.  When I got there it was past 2pm and I had to get carrots.  There was an interesting thing going on.  Sarah was putting a nice couple on horses, The man was on Duke and the lady was on Foxxy.  I thought how strange it was to see some of the customers getting on at 220.  So I ran quick to the ladies room and then Sarah said, hurry and catch up with us and they headed off down the trail.  This was going to be different for me today.  Bob had the horses and was getting a horse ready for me.  He said,  "how do you like Callie?".  I had never ridden her before.  She got her and in a second I was up on her back and down the trail.  The other group was out of sight.  Sarah had gotten to the woods and I could see her in through the trees.  I was talking to Callie to help her feel more relaxed.  She was nervous because I was riding her like she was a guide horse but I wasn't a guide and she hadn't ever ridden with me before.
I was talking giving her encouraging words. I gave her some encourage meant to go a little faster but she was worried.

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