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Saturday, March 8, 2014

Back to the farm AND Duke after a month, 50+ degrees

This week I have been very sick with pneumonia and haven't been to the farm since I paid my Feb bill, Feb 9.  A sad week at the farm too. Herman the sweet goat passed away from painful kidney stones. The vet said it was because of all the salt from winter road treatment. I was so dad to hear.  I got to the farm at about 1020 or so. It was ok not to go out on a ride. I wasn't sure I could really ride yet from being sick. Plenty of excitement with new horses in the boarder area and Honey being so fresh with pony rides. Val was helping Bob with a pony ride and Tonto was following and Honey was too rambunctious for the children. I helped val with the little girl and boy. Val is so sweet, I like her very much.  The ride today, we'll I wasn't going to ride I had 2 crisp 100 bills for bobby and 5 lbs of carrots, when I heard Kantis voice yelling? Jules are you going to ride, I knew I was goin out on the 11 ride.  I was loving that Duke recognized my voice when I called him and he came walking over as soon as I called his name. I must admit that Blue also responded.  I was still feeling kind of weak.  I walked over to the to the boarder field because I heard and saw these beautiful horses prancing around together making wonderful horse sounds.  I walked over to the area as fast as i could on the icey old dirt road.  I was able to get a couple of pictures of them before the the tractor came over to the the field with their hay.  I had to jump up on the snow bank and get out of the way before the huge ride came by and the tractor with the hay passed the the small road to the barn.

I threw some carrots to the new guys before anyone saw me and took a couple of pictures of the beautiful horses.

I ran back to the corral so that I could get ready for the next ride.  There were so many things going on and the ride was heading back.  The two women the mother and her daughter were there.  I sometimes feel that they are a little stand offish. Im sure that sometime I may get to know them better.  Anyway I was worried about getting on the ride.  There was a man but he didn't get Duke and Hershey was out today. When I was worried about the trails because Kanti said that they were a little rough.  The luck of the day was with me.  The sun had made the snow soft for Duke and the trails were great.  Duke even liked the watery areas no problem.  I loved the ride it was so fun, Kanti said that the first ride went around the loop and back.  Anja caught up with us just before the lake and then Cassie and Anja decide that it would,d be ok to go around the lake.  I was so  happy it was a little tricky only on a couple of spots.  It was an amazing ride. Duke was so good and I held on tight.  KAnty passed the other riders and she caught up with me.
She texted me and went riding today again.  I must have been a great day. But yesterday was in the 50s.  I was nervous that I would get over tired or be weak but I loved the air and I even forgot to wear gloves.

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