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Friday, April 25, 2014

Riding Duke with Tina, Scott and the girls, nice weather great trails.

IT was perfect weather 59 60 degrees, and later this week I didnt have anything big going on so I could easily leave work at noon with no probs.  I wanted to go over earrly so that I could talk to Bob pay my lease and maybe put some money down on this month's lease.  I have crisp  two 100 dollar bills.
Scott and Tina pulled up with the kids while I was in the office with Bob.  Scott walked up and I grabbed him while the girls went into the bathroom.  It really stunk today. It was a little embarrassing. I think the kitty may have peed in there.
Anyway I introduced Scott to Bob. I had previsously let Bob know that Scott was interested in the farm and how Bob had built it for his children years ago.  He shook his hand and filled out the forms for the kids to ride.
I had covered 2 of the rides with cash and Scott covered the rest. I had given Tina a big pot of Pansies for their anniversary and she was very happy about it. I had forgotten to give her the card.
Anyway, it was funny when the ride started they loaded Tina first which is strange because she had no experience riding a horse and neither did Scott.  She got Bogie and Cassie said he was really lazy and may not be a good horse for her.  Well I told her that Tina's first ride, Cassie asked if she would kick him if he got laze, I figured she would once she knew how to interact.  During the rest of the ride she was talking about Bogie and how he was trying to listen to her but had his own ideas.  I turned aound a few times and each time both Scott and Tina were having a nice relaxing ride. I was feeling good.
April was so very sweet each time I looked back she was smiling.  Mel was like an experienced rider so she was very focused on having a nice time.
I loved the ride and Christina and new girl and another one I forgot her name.  Plus Sarah and Cassie were both at the end.

It was a great ride and Scott and Tina took to the horses quickly.

  • Scott had Smokey
  • Tina Bogie
  • April Foxie
  • Mel Freckles and 
  • I was on Duke

It was a great ride.

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