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Sunday, April 6, 2014

Rode again this weekend Sunday

Little less water, little faster.
What a great ride on Sunday.  I didn't even think that I would be able to go again to the farm. With Pax next week, I thought I should try and get another ride in.  Kanti send me a text that she would be going and the weather was going to be a little warmer.    I drove up and saw the ride coming around the corner.  I saw some men and Sandi, Kanti and Sarah and they just walked up to the loading dock and kept going to the water barrel area.  Kristina helped me get Duke and she grabbed a horse and jumped on behind. We waited for some people that were not going to make it so we were able to leave finally.  As we left the area I noticed that the two good sized middle aged men were in excellent spirits and spoke with accents and at times went into conversations in a spanish or portuguese like language.  It was kind of exciting because they were getting psyched to go out again.
One of them had Marmaduke and the other one had Blue.  As we went back out on to the trails with Sandi and Sarah leading I saw we were going to again swim through the water by the lake and then move up to the upper lake.  As we got to the top of the hill after the bridge there was discussion on cantering in the group.  Sandi asked me if I was interested and my heart started to race.
We took a left, the wonderful left at the top of the hill and then we got the signal to start.  The men on the horses behind me were so excited.  We went down a few hills and then we took a sharp right turn up the hill, very steep hill.  Duke was so very excited.  The whole time Marmaduke was behind him and I didn't like how he was kind of fresh.  When we got thru the water, Duke kept acting with the pinned ears.  I explained to the nice man behind me that Duke and Marmaduke don't exactly get along.  I didn't like that Duke was so fresh but I love how he is anyway.
Personally I think he should love Marmaduke.
The men were very good to work with on the trails.  Anyway were had 5 tries on the cantering.  It was wicked exciting.  At the end Sarah and Sandi were planning together because we were in the straight away and had decided one more time to canter.  Because Sandi's horse is getting more and more used to Cantoring the have been using the more advanced rides to get the experience of rthe horses. Sandi calls her horse, Big Bertha, not sure about that name.  Anyway we had a most successful cantor for all of us.  At the end,  Sandi's horse was spooked at the end of the straightaway she suddenly reared up and turned around completely facing the rest of the ride.  Sarah's horse and Duke followed her lead and turn around.  It must have looked funny but it startled all of us.  I had the Woow dialog as I do.  
Well it was an amazing ride. At the end I took some more pics and gave the carrots and apples to the boys.  Basically gave apples to Duke, Tonto Bogie, and April.  They were good boys.
Loved the ride on Sunday.  My saddle side is still achey.

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