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Saturday, May 31, 2014

Rode with Lexie, Laure today loved the canters.

I was running late, for being early, it was in the late 50s so I had to wear sleeves and a coat.  I wore the vest that Joe got me for Christmas.  That makes sense too.  I left the house at 8:30am. Barely had coffee. I know that for a 9am that time leaving won't work.  The sooner I start getting to the barn earlier the better. I have to get going Lexie, her mom, and Laurie were in the Barn.  Apache had a bite mark on his butt.  He couldn't get saddled because of his hurt.  Laurie was spending some quality time with him before she got another horse for our ride. She ended up getting Callie for the ride.  Amy Lexie's mom asked if it was ok to go out before 10am.  If there were enough horses and we agreed to be back well before 11am ride.  It worked out great.  Amy helped me get Duke ready and we counted the amount of holes in the strap that I need to use for when I adjust my Saddle and stirrups.

Lexie's horse Lakota was acting confused.  She used the strap on her, I usually don't like to see that unless it is Cassie doing the disciplining.  Well we were all in line, I had Duke and he was so exciting during the ride.  We went into perfect canters.  He is an amazing guy to ride and I love how he works with me.  Im not the perfect rider but he forgives and understands me.  I believe he is a patient horse.  I kept my form pretty good at the times we cantered.  Duke goes into the smoothest moves when he rides. I felt beautiful on his back as he strode.  He was most definitely was a beautiful horse in the woods on a fabulous morning.
We had a great ride, I didn't take many pictures because Duke was so upbeat in his attitude.  Callie was totally letting Laurie know that she was concerned about something in the woods or that she was uncomfortable about something.  Laurie said Callie was continuing to communicate that she was uncomfortable on the trail.
Otherwise this was the peppy ride for Duke he was constantly trying to trot to a canter.  He is the most amazing horse to ride with on the trails.  I was so happy during our about 5 canters.  The trails we took were that at the top of the lake after the wooden boards for the trails we took a left at the top of the trail and then  we did the loop back to the lake. When we got through the loop and got back on the trails on the lakeside. The 10am ride was there with Sarah at the lead.  We went ahead of their group because they let us in, then we tried to get out of their way by going a little faster and then we got back to the farm before the group.  We had a chance to canter a few times an even on the straight away.  Duke was excited to be on the trails for the ride and I feel fortunate to be there with him.
What a wonderful morning.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Riding with Colleen on Memorial Day

Wasn't sure Id make it back home from the Cape this weekend to get out to the Farm.  Thank goodness I did.  I gave Colleen a buzz in the am and asked her if she was still up for a ride.  She was thank goodness.  It was so good catching up with her with her life and both of our latest news.  I had to get her up to speed on the farm.  She and I were thinking about Sheila and how different it seemed.  I had to tell her that Andy was not around any more.  I know how much she loved him.  She ended up on Bogie.  Almost perfect for a ride today.  The weather was clearing a little and had been raining in the am.  The girls had said they all got out in the am for a great ride to Acton.  They were all smiles so I knew it was a great time.

Anja's Big Draft Horse, 

Taking it slow and easy with Colleen worked out great.  I took lots of pics and I walked around with Colleen talking.  There were some interesting people on the ride.  I was able to ride Duke so I was happy.  He makes me happy when we ride.  There was no trotting today, I missed that but another time. Live is short and its good to just be there.

The great news was that Cassie had taken out Tonto on the trails.  As I looked there was Tonto, smiling with Val.  I was so outside myself.  Val had been talking about Tonto retiring and how it may be the right thing for him at this time.  Then I see Val walking Tonto on the ground outside the barn.  I could seem him and his big beautiful face, smiling with pride, wearing his amazing outfit.  What a horse!  So happy.
There was so much going on that I was a little taken back.  Two new people were walking around helping with the rides.  I didn't know them but the man seemed helpful but he took Duke out of the water barrel and walked him away.  I asked him who he was and what he was doing? He said he was helping.  I let him know that I liked to work with Duke and did not need him to lead him.  He seemed like a nice happy man that enjoyed being on the farm with the horses.  Someone said he and his wife had bought 3 horses and they were helping out on the farm.  It was nice.  Many of the animals have been brushed out, Honey and the old grumpy donkey.  They may have helped with the animals.
I had bought some Horse Apple Snacks and was excited to give a couple out after the ride and to give the giant bag to Bob for all the horses as snacks.  It was fun.
There was a little black and white kitty that had gotten his tail caught in the bathroom door.  He had ripped the tail apart and the bone was hanging out. I was totally freaked out that the little sweetheart was walking around doing the best he could while his tail was just about off his body. Hanging on by a thread.  Cassie said that Bob wasn't looking to get it looked at but she wanted to make sure something good happened.   I got a text today that said the little kitty was in the Vet getting care.  I was relieved.  Maybe one of the girls got him thinking or just did it themselves.  It was the right thing to do.  I offered to help with some $ secretly hope no one got in the hole trying to do the right thing.  Colleen got the "iride"app and we can look forward to some fun rides this summer, I hope. That is all for now I can upload some pics later this week.  Im feeling a little sick today, need to go to doc tomorrow.