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Sunday, May 4, 2014

One ride for Saturday, I really missed being with Duke

On Saturday it was a nice enough day, the sun was coming out but it was still a day you need a coat.  The 10am ride was huge, I was considering skipping it so I could be with Duke but he was with another rider.  Sarah and Kanti were encouraging me to go on the big ride. I was concerned that it is so many people.  Cathy was helping with Cassie out and Sandi is too hurt to ride.  I guessed it was ok to ride the big ride.  I went on Duchess.  She is a great horse I think, big sweet girl.  I had not secured my phone or my camera.  I should have wore the coats I usually, the black levi or the Carhart but I had a hoodie.  When we broke off and went for a trot, I had the strangest experience.  It felt as though I was was shifting back and forth with my legs, each trot was like the leg in front switched off.  I twas very interesting.  The other thing is we were on muddy trails and we were trotting, I was holding on to my camera and trying to secure my phone.  Eventually near the end of the ride before the bridge cross in the mud, my phone popped out of my pocket and I didn't realize til after the bridge.  Sarah and the girl Lexie ran back to get it for me.  Very nice.

The ride was interesting and challenging because of my discomfort with my coat, camera and phone. I decided not to go on next ride and wait for Duke to come back.
Again I forgot to turn on the iride, tracker on my iphone until later in the ride.  See starting point.  :)
Also I forgot to turn off the app as I walked around the barn and the field, that is why 1:22min.

During the time that the second ride 11am, went out (Kanti was trying to get me to ride) I spent time with Val, and eventually brushed out Pedtro.  I enjoyed it very much.  As I was watching Pedro scoot his body near Val as she brushed out Tonto.  She mentioned that Pedro wanted to get brushed too.  I realized that I could hang out with Pedro and give him some love and attention.  This made me enjoy the hour not not he trail very much.  I couldn't wait for the ride to get back so I could grab Duke.
I went on the horses and got to scoot in a give Duke some quick carrots.  I love how he looks at me.  He is a sweet guy,  I miss him today too.
Then something crappy happened . . .

The woman took Duke right from my hands on the corral.  The girls had said that Duke had gone on all of the morning rides and needed a rest.  I had told the woman that I waited the 1 hour while they went out on a ride (I stayed back) because I wanted to be with Duke.  I felt terrible as she pulled him away.
Something amazing happened in that moment, Duke looked me in the eye and pulled away from her to be with me.  My heart ached and I felt badly.  I was so distraught that I wouldn't be able to see him at all during my 3 houre there, I left feeling sad.  I took the carrots and drove home.
I know now I have a great feeling for him.  I love that he recognizers me as his carrot lady.  I can't wait to see him again.

Oh yeah, Laurie and Kanti went out earlier in the morning and they rode to Acton.  It sounded like fun, she said they had an adventure.  I didn't even see Laurie that day, she must have snuck out to go about her day.

Another thing is strange they were tieing up Tulsa to keep her from doing some kind of behavior.  I was feeling badly about it.  I have a strong liking to Tulsa and she is a sensitive horse that needs to be respected.  Just saying . . .  I miss Sheila.

I keep getting Tootsie and Foxie missed up.

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