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Saturday, September 20, 2014

Duke Apache Bogie Perfect Ride Acton Town Forest

So excited about this morning.  There was not a 9am.  I feel at 9am it is very busy at the barn and it makes me feel nervous or stressed.  Well it is stressful.  On Saturday's Cassie works with Theresa also Bobby does his shoeing too.  It is the preferred day but there is usually no Cathy and Sandy.  When I got there I saw that all the horses were out already in the paddock.  Duke was out.  Kanti was putting together chiquita's saddle and tack.  She is so good with the horses and learning.  Cassie let her know that one of the horses may bite because she is with child and worried about being touched.
Our ride this morning was amazing.  Started after we put the horses together.  Apache and Laurie was first.  She waited for us at the water buckets.

Bourbon he's been naughty at the rail, plus he has stitches.
Sandi loving Shenan
Just dismounted from a GREAT ride with my Duke!  Kanti with Bogie ahead of me. 

It was soon that Kanti had come back with news to the paddock, "We are going without the girls, Cassie says we cannot be responsible for them".  There little faces fell.  I know they want to help out with the horses but they love to go out on rides or guide rides and go fast.  There were so many children today.  Maybe 6 under 15.  They disappeared from the paddock and then we were able to go out alone.  It was perfect.  Kanti check my sinch, around Duke's girth and tightened it up.  I jumped on him and my stirrups were just about perfect.  We were headed to Acton Town Forest.
We went out the back way by the boarder barn.  The other horses spoke to Duke as we passed and Blue came to the rail and Duke spoke again.  We walked back way from the gate to the road stream and down the hill.  Near the field and we ran into the 2 men that ride from the boarder barn.  I already forgot the name of their horses and their names too.  When Duke got near the 2 boarder horses he spoke horse talk and went near the then to touch horse faces.  I needed to lead Duke back and then Duke spoke with a loud voice to the boarder horses on the trail.  It was cool t hen we headed out.  We did a few trots but basically we talked about everything.  I loved it so much.
There were a few moments where I was feeling worried.  I will list them quickly so that I can address them later.
The several jumps, the dog pound, the school areas with all the cars on the pavement and the construction area and also I had the utmost joy when we got off the road, on the town forest, over a bridge and began a most amazing canter.
It was so that I could get in a wonderful rhythm with Duke. He was so perfect and his perfection was to wait for me to join his moves and then I began to learn how he helped me to ride and then fly with him.  He is the most amazing horse.
His strength has flowed to me and helped me to grow.  I wish I could help him some way the way he has helped me.

When we were at the edge of the construction and mill we came upon a school that had tons of children all yelling and tons of cars parked.  As we walked we entered onto the pavement and Kanti was leading us on the pavement.  I am not happy about pavement for horses and Kanti said it would only be a minute.  Soon the cars started exiting and entering and the children looked as though the game was over and parents were coming to pick up their kids.  At one point I had a car at Duke's rear and he was feeling how I was unhappy.  I wanted Kanti to get off the road right away.  She said we were almost there.  We were not.  We passed a clear sign and then I felt that we should have entered there.  Kanti said she didn't know that path.  A dog darted across the road barking at Duke and Apache.  I wasn't happy about this.  I continued to urge Kanti to get off the road.  At that point I leaned on Duke to get off his feet and walk on the soft pine needles on the edge.  That way we would be safer too.  We finally got off the road.  The people behind me also passed us, I was relieved but more kept coming.
We finally got off the road.

Apache didn't want to cross the rock wall that we were crossing.  The rocks were laying about strangely and he didn't like it.  Some of the rocks were high but there wasn't a clear step for a several feet.

Duke wanted to go over the 5 jumps that were built on the Acton Town Forest.

Laurie and I went to Grafton to a Tack Shop to look at Saddles.  We drove 495 for miles.  It was very nice ride.  I bought many things.  Brushes, Cleaners, hoof cleaners. I even picked out a saddle for myself.  Black.