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Sunday, September 14, 2014

So happy today, Kanti and I tacked Duke then rode with Domino

I had such a nice day at the farm.  When I got there KAnti was tacking up Duke in the back and asked me to join her.  It was the best.  Amy was in the front with Sandi and I spoke with her right away to see where Lexie was so I could assure her that I was not displeased with her.  Amy is such a nice woman. I went out to the back with Amy to make sure we were alone while she was getting Hershey and asks that she tell Lexie I missed her today.  Lexie was on a hike with friends.

I was excited to go on the 9am ride.  It was a few people that were new to riding a couple of older people.  They had all decided that the ride would trot.  Kanti had not made it out to the water cans and Amy had helped me get on Domino.  I waited for a few minutes and then Domino and I made a quick walk to the woods. The other group had already pasted the woods.  When we got into the woods Domino was excited to catch up with the trail and then he started to fast walk over the rocky muddy part.  When that boy wants to go fast it is pretty dam exciting.  He quick walked (I asked him not to trot) but he was pushing the walk to a trot.  It made me giggle.  He is a a total sweetheart.
I caught with the trail ride and then as I was making some time Amy caught up behind me.  It was nice we both walked fast.  She was on Foxie.

We came to the sandy point where we split off and as I was saying we are all decided to trot.  The lady in front of me was a little older and bigger and she decided that Hershey on the trot was too much.  She wanted to walk.  As we went into the woods at the second cleaning around the pine tree, Herhshey may have jumped and Sandi was with the walk lady alone.  We were trotting int he front.
When I saw that we would split off from Sandi and the lady I asked if Sandi wanted to me to come with them.  Domino was all riled up and Hershey was feeling it this morning too.
Sandi was happy that I was going to ride with her and the woman on Hershey.
We went out on the lake and doubled back with the small group.  There were stupid dirt bikes on the trail and then Hershey was acting upset.   Domino was angry about the horrible sound.  We all decided Herhsey was jumpy.  So we went back.  on the straight a way I saw Kanti with Laurie and I was worried because they were right where the sound was coming from.  We met up later with them and they said that both Apache and Bogie were very upset about the bikes sounds.  It seems that the sound very loud today and very high dirt bike sounds.
I was very happy to ride with the  group, used the ramp to get down.  Kanti and Laurie caught up and came in with us. Kanti went on another ride real fast and Laurie and I talked bout saddles, with Valerie, Bob and went over to the boarder barn, checked it out and went to the other little barn we may use to take a look at the old saddles and then to check out the lease shed for where we would put our gear.
It was fun. Bob told us not to be taken by expensive saddle prices, that we could find things in our prices that had what we needed.  Also he told us about the withers of the horses and how they need to have no weight on them.  I had a lot of fun.  Valerie told us about Equine Event in November and how we can get deals on horse stuff there.  it made me think I don't want to rush into getting stuff.
I gave the lamb some carrots and then asked Duke to come to the edge and tell me goodbye.  He did.
He likes how much I like him. On the way to ride today, I was so happy feeling that I teared up about how lucky I am to be able to be healthy enough, have a network of friends and a community, a farm that I can trust and go to and just general happiness about how I feel about Duke.  He is a total Love.
When I got home today I was explaining how he got out of the stall to tell me good bye while people were waiting, it made me feel so proud and fortunate to know a nice guy like Duke.   Sandi said,
Duke is always a gentleman even when he is peeing.  Ha Ha.

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