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Saturday, May 28, 2016

Duke keeping Cool

Laurie sent me this amazing pic of Duke grazing with the guys today. I was on the Cape and really appreciated the pic. I really missed him he's been on my mind constantly.

Friday, May 27, 2016

Goodbye to everyone

I just wanted to let you all know it has been wonderful spending my weekends with you all over the past several years. I have been riding At Bonnys regularly since 2010. I met Duke in the same year when he first arrived, I thought he was too large for me to ride. My dear friend Sheila suggested I ride him as a break from Tulsa who I love.
 It wasn't long til I enjoyed is swift sneaky jumps and smooth transitions to cantering
 He made me feel like I was flying swiftly over tne trails.
We are going to make a change and move to a stable across town where he can get himself a bit stronger on his arthritis. After he's fit as a fiddle we just might come back to ride with you all again
Hope to see you at the farm this weekend! I'll be around this summer!

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Saying Goodbye to everyone next stop Greenwood

So much going on Sunday and the plans for moving to Greenwood
I baked some brownies Sat nite to bring over to Bob to help say good bye
I had let the girls and young Bobby know We were moving on Saturday, the day before. 
Now spending some time with Duke and tryking to imagine the next step in Duke getting better
On Sunday Duke looked like he was limping a lot, Val also was concerned
I was warming him up the outdoor ring and I could see that he wasn't doing well
I'm looking forward to changing his feed, getting him his supplement visiting during the week, doing regular workouts withhim and see Duke getting more specialized care to build his strength
I am concerned that the property (Greenwood's flat grasses with not paths) will be boring for Duke and I but its a good opportunity to train one on one
Can't wait for him to feel better again!

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Riding with Duke Bareback and only the reins on the halter

Bareback and halter only OK

Boarder Horses enjoy grass, grazing in the area to the right of boarder barn

Sweet boy walking fast next to me as we go to the upper farm

Duke in the Ring with No bridle or bit, bareback
I used the fence to jump on his back, I didnt think anyone saw me but the ride must of because Kellie commented, that she thought that was a great way to get on.