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Friday, May 27, 2016

Goodbye to everyone

I just wanted to let you all know it has been wonderful spending my weekends with you all over the past several years. I have been riding At Bonnys regularly since 2010. I met Duke in the same year when he first arrived, I thought he was too large for me to ride. My dear friend Sheila suggested I ride him as a break from Tulsa who I love.
 It wasn't long til I enjoyed is swift sneaky jumps and smooth transitions to cantering
 He made me feel like I was flying swiftly over tne trails.
We are going to make a change and move to a stable across town where he can get himself a bit stronger on his arthritis. After he's fit as a fiddle we just might come back to ride with you all again
Hope to see you at the farm this weekend! I'll be around this summer!

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