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Sunday, May 7, 2017

Late day visit Rode in the arena - dewormed too

 The whole Perry family was there today, As I pulled in the driveway a kid on a dirt bike was revin up and flew down the field. I don't like that much.  Fred was at the trailers working on his trailer.  I asked him if he knew that kid and if he was family.  Behind me came Krystyn brother. I don't know him very well.  He was smoking.   Fred says he doesn't know anybody.  :)
I went in and the big guy was all set up in the stall.  He had a nice day outside and was munching away on his hay.  Jess was dotting on Safari. I wasn't sure if I was going to ride or not.  I went and got my stuff. Grabbed his bit and reins. I was thinking I may go into the outside arena, not ready for the fields yet, Duke is too aggressive at the grass when its like it is now.  So Fred started taking out stuff and getting things ready.  They unrolled a huge BBQ grill and started taking the stuff out with foil.  Bonnie made asparagase and corn on the cob and they were grillin hot dogs and hambuergers drinking wine and beers.  It looked like fun.  The whole Bonnie family was there except Krystyn was missing.  I tacked Duke and went into the arena.  Jess had taken Safari into the arenda and was already back out front. I wanted to use the outside arena but with all of those guys out there sitting around I didn't want to have them all watchikng me and commenting.  I don't like that, so I took Duke into the arena.  He has a nice pace in the arena and kept on the lines.  He really likes going criss cross in the ring. We don't go too much around the corners.  Oh about getting on today.  Yesterday was pretty smooth and then today I was nervous.  As I made the body language for Duke to come around the mounting block and he came around perfectly.  I was feeling a little bit better.  He came arouond and I asked him to come to me by touching my shoulders.  He must be getting better because he completely came closer to me.  I started making a sound of the candy. I held his halter to keep him back.  I think he was paying attention to my body movements.  It felt good I was more confidant than before.  He stayed still and I got him to stay in one place.  I patted him and gave him the appreciation to keep still while I was positioning myself.  I gave him the mints and then I jumped up on the step.  He was more patient than usual and I was able to position him and Jump up pretty quickly.  I did lose patient with him aa little which I regret.  And I gave his nose a strapping.  Then I quickly apologized to him and gave him a hug and a rub,  I was sorry but he was pushing me around a bit and I was not happy for it.
Well I got on him and it was great.  He wanted to go out the door because the big back door was open.  We did quite a few rounds in the arena.  He was sort of strange acting. I was not letting him go out the big door but I know he wanted to go out because of all of that grass.  He tried sneak out the door.  I pulled him back.   I made him go around 2 more times.  He seemed adjetated. He made a snarling sound.  I finally let him out the door.  He was happy but he snorted so much more. As we went outside he was strange. He snarled and then that stupid kid on the dirt bike was scooting around the fields. I don't like it.  He went around and did that thing I hate when he backs up a lot. He was kinda acting up.  I decided he was going back. He gave me lots of flack. I made him stand still on the hill where there was no grass. He had kept pushing me to grass areas.  I was not going to take it. We went back in the arena after I calmed him and gave him a quick mint.  We went back in and did a few more rounds then I steered him over to the corner and slide off.  Took out his bit and then brought him back to the stall.  The whole group was cooking up a storm and drinking wine and ciders.  It was nice. At the end Bonnie let me know we were having a tack sale on May 29th and I volunteered to make some flyer for the sale.  It was nice.  She made me have some aparagase and then the corn on the cob.  It was great.
Did so much yard work during the day, chores, Duke's work out and then grocery shopping.  Im beat :)  School tomorrow booo!
Oh yeah here is the amazing sign that I got as a surprise from Bob when I returned from Australia.  What a great thing.  I cant wait to put it on his stall, someday.  <3

I also did manage to get some dewormer into Dukes mouth in his stall. I tried to hold him, chased him around a bit, gave him a mint to see if I could get it to his mouth.  No avail.
Then  just cornered him and got it into his side mouth. Good boy.  He got a big green apple for being soo sweet, and a pat on the neck with a good boy.  What a great guy we are getting there.

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