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Sunday, May 7, 2017

New reins from PI Beach rope added the clips

Raining all morning with a little bit of a break in the late afternoon, I want over around 345.  I thought I would at least give Duke his de wormer and some other stuff.  When I got there the barn was busy with Jess and Fred plus Sarah was with her horse in the outside ring. I was hoping to get in there today.  There was a huge shovel on the top of the giant dirt pile with tractors going back and forth . Also the are 2 kids trimming the weeks and doing general landscaping. It made is so that I was not feelling that I could go out on the trails because I was no comfortable with the trucks. I don't think they care about the horses and the people going in and out of the barn. I stay away from those guys.  I don't like them at all. Its a downfall to the barn.
Anyway the temps were going up a bit and it was like 65 out.
Well I was cleaning up duke in the stall and I did bring in my helmet but thought I wouldn't ride. I brought so many things to have today.  The dewormer, apples, 6 Hoofsnax.  I had some carrots in the bag.
As I was cleaning up Duke, brushing, grooming while Duke ate delicious hay.  I put on his pad and shoveled out his stall of poop.  As I was bringing the shovel of poop over to the bucket, Duke popped open the door and started out into Babe's special food.  He didn't have a halter and was free from the barn. I most likely charged him up by acting like he was getting in trouble so he started playing like a keep away. He realized he was "out". I panicked and went ot grab him.  He ran like hell out of the barn and heade din to the fields. I was so scared.  The stupid trucks, the back how, the giant shovel on the dirt pile and just the landscape trucks that are always going back and forth.  Makes me so nervous.  The girl with the brown horse who is very serious was out with her horse and saw me struggle to grab Duke and hold on to his mane as he dragged me out to the dirt driveway.  She looked at me and I felt like an amateur.  As I could feel the strength of Duke surging and he jerked quickly with a strong power. I began to sweat and breath crazy.  In my head I was thinking that I might get trampled if I kept doing this, so I heard Val's voice Just Let go.  I looked and realized where could he go.  He had some space there.  As I let go of Duke he curled around into the grass and just munched and Munched. I began to hold his coat and pet him. He at first was trying to avoild me because He thought I was going to pull him back into the barn. 

I got him back into the barn with the help from Sarah, getting my halter and Stacie just walking up and talking, finally got that halter over his head.  <3 Thank god.

Then we did some more work, got tacked up brought em back out to the outside arena and got out 3/4 of a mile in.  It was great. I used the new reins I made from the dock line I found at PI last fall.  I attached some clips I got at Equine Affiar booth.  Im feeling pretty good about it and it looks great. See the huge shovel thing on the mound of dirt?  Annoying.


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