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Sunday, October 22, 2017

Happy Weekend Saw Duke 78+ degrees both days

Saturday afternoon Kristen and Fred were working on the horses and they were all outside.  Things looked good.  Duke was so dirty, looked like he played in poop. I got out the shampoo and cleaned his spots.  After I left Duke I went directly up to Salisbury to see Bob in the site. A18.  He said that the Butterflies were flying everywhere.

Sunday afternoon was pretty good too.  The wind picked up and the sunny was beautiful again. I especially liked the trees and sky, the colors are so pretty.  Duke again was ready for me. There is a horse next to him that pays attendtion to him, Muke.  Now Muke is pretty tough guy and really grumpy and hates everyone so its funny that he likes Duke.  Plus the horse next to Duke loves him.  The goof around in the little hole in the wall.  It make me feel so happy.  Today I told Krystyn that I wish that Duke was with another horse, not Doc.  Doc is a mean horse.  He tries to be friends with me but I really don't like how he acts.

I washed Duke's tali lwith conditioner so that its soft and smooth.  Also When I was riding today I felt Duke's uneasiness still with riding. I knew I had put enough bug spray on him.  He tried the head shake.  Hes got lots of joy in the fields with the peppermints.
Well something happened unexpectedly.  I was untacking him in his stall and Patti was hanging out with STacie in the hay bales.  Patti said, Hey your boy is such a high stepper.  We were watching him walk with you back to the barn.  Hes so proud when hes out with you.  I really felt special hearing such a unique comment from them.  I really don't know how he feels but if hes walking with me high stepping and looking proud to be riding with me, that's a fabulous feeling.  I'm a lucky lady with Duke.  <3

Thursday, October 19, 2017

2 Weekends Walking and then Back riding again

Last couple of weeks pretty eventful with Duke.

First I feel like I wasn't getting out to see him and it felt so bad.  Only one day out of the weekends and then walking in the outside ring and inside.  School starting back up with 2 courses takes it toll on our times together.

Then Last weekend Sat 13th and Sunday 14th, both days a full brush out lots of goofing off and then tacked up and out the door.  Saturday night I thought that those jerky bulldozers on the dirt hill should be gone and also too much activity by the 4-wheel off road thing.  I was frustrated with the amount of Giant trucks that chose to cut through green wood just as we were finally getting out on the road. Like 5 trucks come barging down the road,  I was only on the road for a few minutes and then that was the time only a few minutes.

Gaulen and his owner went out to the fiesds to ride and bumped into turkeys deer and the 4 wheeler. I don't like it. I was not happy at all.
But beautiful sun set and Duke and I did get out but I was frustrated by all of the crazy ness on the fields.  Then I ran back to give him some apple of something and Bonne left me a voicemail Sunday at 8ish that Duke was in the field grazing when they got there on Sunday morning.  Houdini strikes again.  They said that the door on the stall was not completely latched and Duke broke out and messed up Babes food and just got into trouble.  On Sunday I headed over to Agway picked up some Dengi and cleaned up the ailse of the barn.   Hes a real stinker.  Bonnie doesn't want him getting hurt by wild animals or running wild.  Neither do I, hes a sweetheart that knows how to brek out of his stall too.

Ill instert my pictures here

Then Sunday wildy beautiful ride, rode the whole field and it felt good.  <3