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Sunday, June 24, 2018

Hours at the barn, ride stalls walk

Went over early to get there before the whole group and even before Bonnie and Krystyn.  I had to sew the padding on the bar first while Duke was in the stall. I brought my sewing kit. Duke was happy to see me.  He munched  away at the hay.  Babe was in the hall and Misty was back in the stall next to Duke. The goats are back at the house.  It was peaceful at the barn. It didn't take long before Bonnie and Krystyn was at the doorway.  I also asked Bonnie if I could get some of the bad hay for the garden.  She got me a plastic bag and I filled i The goat that felt bad was better.
I talk. ked with them for a while.
I let them know that I would pitch in a couple stalls after some quality time with Duke. Want to get him tacked and out the door. Need to work with him on his manners.
I had some cut up apples and carrots.  I put them in a bag and brought them out after I got him tacked up.  I gave the salt lick to Babe, it was too little for Duke's big tongue.
I went into the arena and walked Duke a little bit. We used the back up technique. I got the reins and bit on in the ailse and then used the reins as the leadline. I don't like the bit lately or the way it fits.
Walked him and got the on by positioning the mounting block near the back door which is pointed or heading to the light of th back door. I thought that Duke would like to see the outside it could help him slow down and realized that we need to work. We walked around 2 times in arena then out the door.
Well I had a simple straight forward ride. It has rained a bit before I went out and it was still sprinkling.  Out the dirt road to the greenwood road turn at Bonnies house and then back. Two times or so in the arena then untacked him.  Was pretty good.  I asked if it was ok to put him in the outside paddock while I did stalls. Then I did the stalls. I did other side today.  Muck, New horse, Brat, Doc, Thistle, 5 of the stalls. 
The whole time Duke was in the outside paddock while the others were in the stalls. He only spoke me a few time while he grazed the edge of the fence and walked around.

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