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Saturday, June 16, 2018

Trick Training Clinc Weekend

Friday night was great!  I was at the barn and did a ton of chores. I walked Duke and also was able to work with him while getting organized. I was able to get the military saddle, clean it up and also put it on Duke and ride in the arena

When over Friday night with Amy and the kids, they love the goats and I can do some chorses with Duke. I had him whear the Army Saddle and then took a walk  after and we rode for  a minute in the arena.  He was good, I had a quick back and forth and Jess was helpful getting me a helmet and helping me mount.

The group was having their vodka and meat potatoe supper, Bonnie offered me a little bit they forgot that I'm glueten free. It was a nice night and I feel ilke just a little bit of time helped me get a lot done.


I did some chorse around the house because Bob was working. Then around 12 I went over to help with the stalls.  I don't mind doing a few and seeing what the horses are like in their stalls.  I also have begun to like Krystyn a little bit more. 

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