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Sunday, August 12, 2018

Love coming around the corner and looking over at Greenwood and there are no cars.  I was pleased but then I noticed that NIck Greenwood was with Krystyn at the outdoor arena cleanng up all of the over grown plants. She and him were cutting them down and putting them into the truck. Then take them to behind the house where they can be burnt.  These guys work so hard. I asked Krystyn how Duke's fly bonnet was doing, she admitted that they weather hasn't been very good and that the horses hadn't goteen out much.  Its cloudy and its been raining off and on all day.  It was misting as I turned into the dirt road to Greenwood. I had decided at home that even in the rain we would go out and get wet together.   Honestly I'm dying to give him a spa day and do his tail up condition it.
Well so when I pull up to Duke's paddock window I hear him speak to me.  Asking me to hurry up. I was bringing over the new salt the hoof snax cut up apples in a bag and some other things.
He was so happy to put his head into the halter and talke a walk outside. I used to brush Duke in the stall or on the cross ties.  Its really a waste of time because I can get his walk on the road and around the property and do some work out exercise in the arena that can be up to 2miles on a good day.
Today was a good day we hit the 2miles.
He was so happy to go out we walked faster and faster.  I remember last time I worked him out in the arena he did not trot with me. I think it was too hot last weekend.
This week was different, I started to do a high step walk that was kind of a jump walk and he just jumped all over it and trotted a big special trot that was absolutely beautiful.
Kristen and Jess came in the tan car and I took Duke to the side and they stopped.  They were so sweet ot him and called him a good boy.  I walked him back, I walked around the side paddocks and then back in the barn into the arena.  I had some cut up some apples and had some hoof snaxs in the bag.  We did the run around back and forth.  He made me proud as he delighted June, Kristen and Jess.  He listened to me most of the time and then he would go to the edge where they were to see if they had any treats for him.
June asked if I had resqued him and I said he rescued me. I told her of how he was a trail horse then I leased him they sold him off 2 times.  Finally bought him after he was a great horse as a lease.  Then we moved to Greenwood because he needed the care that Greenwood gives horses.

We walked in the road, walked around the property, ran around in the arena, rolled in the dirt grazed in the field, got his tail brushed and brushed out his body, checked his hoofs. It was excellent visit.  I love him so much.  When he rolls its amazing.  He digs up the dirt and it can make holes that aren't good for the others or the arena.  He was good.

June said she never realized he was such a funny boy with a great sense of humor.
I had gone to Agway to get some snacks and grass with clover. Ended up getting 2 butterfly bushes on sale.  2 for one. They were talking up my whole car.  I also bought mulch for the back and front.  When I plant them I will add more mulch so next year will be easier.
I'm including some pics from last weekend where the weather, and what Duke did in the arena is very similar.  Plus I needed to post the pics they are so good. Only difference is that we were alone last week and that the back door was open so we went out the back way too.

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