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Sunday, August 19, 2018

Saturday hot-rainy chores - Sunday Outer Fields and woods - cool sunny

Rainy Saturday
Did Duke's Dewormer its the apple one tastes much better. They were in on Saturday, Bonnie said that there were in for Saturday because theres gonna be alot of thunderstorms.  I went over to the barn and I let Bonnie know that I was coming to help with stalls.  Her car was there and the gator was on the other side, the side they ususally do first.  Dana the son Bonnie and Krystyn was in the office.  The air in the barn was terrible, I could hardly breath and sweating.  I asked if I should start wtihe Duke, they said that side wasd done and that other side was ready. I shoveled out Africa, Cisco, Jag, and Muck,  Not a bad deal just 4 stalls. I gave Duke lots of work but not on his coat or tail I worked with his strength walking him about about 1 1/2 miles all together.  I brought him out to the arena closed the bars and he rolled like crazy. He also walked and ran and played with me. No back kicks like he has been doing in the past weeks but hes been so enthusiastic when I get to the barn to work with him.  We went out in the road in the rain for a walk and talk.  He was really happy, I figured its hot out and I have nothing to lose if I get wet Ill just feel cooler.  When I got back the breeze flowed through the barn, it was so different air.  I put Duke back and cleaned up his stuff.  Hes such a wonderful animal to work with I appreciate his point of view and I think he really tries to do what I ask of him.  I appreciate his efforts. As I put him in the outdoor paddock so I could clean up around his stall, he complained right away that it was yucky with deep puddles and thick difficult mud.

SUNDAY Riding time
Went over to the barn, it was cool but sunny.  Almost cold in the shade.Duke was in the paddock with his bug and sun shade.  He looked pretty good. I went right to him.  No one was the the barn and I know I had to be fast. I was concerned about all of the mold at the mold dust on everything in the tack room.  They say that the doors need to be closed becasue of the goats, but Im sure that they can be open other times. I took all of the saddles out with the pads first thing and let put them in the sun along with the pad on the stand.   I put Duke on the cross ties well I gave him a ton of snacks first.  Bonnie said the goats learned how to unqip the bag and steal all of the cookies.

Well I tacked him up good, brushed him out spa treatment. We walked in the arena so good together. I used the terrible trick of putting snacks on the ground in the arena then jumping up quick. I guess that works. We did 4 rounds in the arena and then out the back door, head up no grass snacks.  we walked a bit, I had dropped the bandana of snacks, this was unfortunatge for Duke. Well we walked down to Bonnies house on the road, Krystyn was working hard on the house, I heard them pull down and old building and they were digging up stuff too. After we returned via the road at the turn we went right to walk by all of the trash from the trailers and we went over into te big field. When  crossing by the mess behind the house and then when we going through the clearning I thought we would turn around but Duke head went up and he turned started heading into the field edge.  it was great.  We ended itwth awalk into the woods and out along the edge of the woods.  Wonderful <3 So proud, I untacked him after we came in through the back door and gave him tons of snacks also I we went out to the field to get some grass snacks.
Note, when I gave him the only treat I had in my back pocket it got under his bit and made him uncomfortable the returning walk. I felt bad. Not to self, never give him the crunchy ones when working, only hoof snax, they don't get under his tough.

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