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Saturday, April 27, 2019

Finally back with Duke

Was able to have an afternoon iwth Duke again. I missed him so much. Usually I spend my birthday withhim, Try and take the day off and go for a ride.  Well we had to go get the little cradle for baby Valerie. We drove to Quincy kinda a long way from home. A lady was sellig it on Facebook.
Well didnt get home for a while.
Off to the Barn around 2 or so. When I got there I could see Jess car, and Stacies too. So the Perrys were there. Seemed early to be feeding the horses but it had been threatening rain for awhile.
I went directly over to Duke, the door to my side of the barn was closed, strange I imagined that Stacie and a bunch of people were taking up space over there. I went right to get Duke.  Doc gave me a little bit of grief.  I took him aside, used the lead line to let him know that Im here for Duke.  I called him and Duke was a bit energetic and came running. I scooted Doc away and then was able to get Duke out the gate. he went right for the grass. The soild was so deep with water and thick mud.  Duke found a nice spot with green grass on the other side of teh game. I gave Doc a snack only after he listened and I was able to get Duke out of there.
As i was going to see if we could get to have Duke walk right away, he starts jumping, rearig and then back kicking. it was very strange.  Then I decide that he was gong to have to walk off his aggressive ness in the arena.
Arena juming
Grooming in his stall
Out in the ailse for a shampooing
After calming down out for a nice walk in the wind and some grazing out outsdie the barn.

Saturday, April 13, 2019

Today was extremely wonderful. I went to go help out with the stalls and Bonnie told me they were already done by the girls. I was able to go over to Target and pick up something cute for Ashley to wear I got 2 dresses and a shirt.  Then over to Greenwood. It was totally empty.  We were alone all day.  I took him out of the paddock after I gave out the apples to him and then I walked up to Muke and gave  a big apple then back down to the muddy grass to get Duke out.  Doc acts like. a jerk so Im having some issues with him. I need to get him out of the way so I can take Duke out. I Brought all of the brushes out to the fence outside the paddock and then I tied Duke up so I could groom him outside. It was successful. He count help but munch away at the grass while I tried to get his mud off.  Then I brought him into the barn got the warm soapy water and my towels and sham wow.  I did his tail first then I washed him like a new car scrubbing him up and down making sure his but was cleaned after his tail was soaked and sudded. He cleaned up good then I scrapped him and we went out to graze in the sun.  The we went out for a walk.  Duke is amazing as he walks forward and when I cue him with a stop he backs up quickly and he really paid attention. Im so proud.

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Ran over to the barno after work

So happy to see Duke. He was yellin at me through his windwo as I was parking. I had apples for everyone.  I brought bag full of treats too.  We worked out in the outside paddock He was better. Not as much crowding me. I had to work with him on that.
I brought him in for a clean up, brush out, tail treatment. Then in the a for some running back and forth. I was hoping he was going to roll. He just played around with the dirt in the agenda. He didnt roll but he walked by my side and we played the game where he has to listen and then stop when I said stop. I stayed with him for about 2 hours.