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Saturday, April 13, 2019

Today was extremely wonderful. I went to go help out with the stalls and Bonnie told me they were already done by the girls. I was able to go over to Target and pick up something cute for Ashley to wear I got 2 dresses and a shirt.  Then over to Greenwood. It was totally empty.  We were alone all day.  I took him out of the paddock after I gave out the apples to him and then I walked up to Muke and gave  a big apple then back down to the muddy grass to get Duke out.  Doc acts like. a jerk so Im having some issues with him. I need to get him out of the way so I can take Duke out. I Brought all of the brushes out to the fence outside the paddock and then I tied Duke up so I could groom him outside. It was successful. He count help but munch away at the grass while I tried to get his mud off.  Then I brought him into the barn got the warm soapy water and my towels and sham wow.  I did his tail first then I washed him like a new car scrubbing him up and down making sure his but was cleaned after his tail was soaked and sudded. He cleaned up good then I scrapped him and we went out to graze in the sun.  The we went out for a walk.  Duke is amazing as he walks forward and when I cue him with a stop he backs up quickly and he really paid attention. Im so proud.

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