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Sunday, October 27, 2019

Great rainy Sunday

Im still smiling because of this guy.  He was so talkative, in his stall just beggin to gett out. When I get his halter he just so gently puts his head in. I gave him an apple right away, no waiting like usual.  We went into the areana. Kristin Ann, was getting Kensey ready. She looked good, I said I wanted to get Duke out with a little bit of work in the arena if it worked for her. She was happy to see him in and still tacking up.  Well I put him in the llead line as we walked over I had put up on of the boards so we could run freely. I never really know how well things will go but I walked Duke around a bit first I could see he was better than yesteraday where he was terrible, jumpy about the hawk in rafters. He was not comfortable walkingl Iwas worried about his leg and Im not as good as some noticing a sore or stiff leg.
Well I got the switch and walked out to the arena and right away he was ready to run with a the lung in the round pen. I was as proud as I could be, he was running back kicking now and then and really excited, happy to be there. He did more than 3 rounds running totally. I knew that was enough. So proud then he came running toward me, I stopped him with the whip and the hand. He reared up so beautiful. We walked a bit more, I left the arena and he slowly found a nice spot and rolled, It was perfect. 
I brought him back to his stall into the cross ties and he was just perfect. I scratched his itches, brushed him out did his tail. then scratched his body all around iwht the comb. Did his hoofs too.
It was so great. I gave Duke a couple "thanks good boy" apples.
Between the visits with Val and all the other times hes been so patient since I had to cut stuff down because of the wedding planning.
Its so good to back to normal.  <3 . Duke is having his lessons pick back up iwht Krystyn tomorrow at 6pm. Great News!

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