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Sunday, October 15, 2023

Great work out day tacked and everything but no ride

 Tucker left the barn today to his new home, a small farm with a little girl Krystyn said. I guess it will be good. I am hoping that its a goo decision for him.
Beau was his best self, he was waiting patiently and was so happy to see that it was me coming up th ehill to get him and only him.

He was ready to come play with me. I opened his gate and he took a few bites everying time we took a few steps. It was cute. No one in the barn but there were several cars. I thought I was going to be with a bunch of others. Kayla was at the 4H show I wanted to go see her but I had better time spent with Beau.

Brought him into the arena, he was happy to go in, I can close the door while he waits patiently, I liek it. Hes a super good boy. 

I open lunged him as Lynn's father watched it was pretty cool, he liked it alot plus Beau was very good for the workout. He listened so well and went both directions.

Note: ignore Kristie alot more, pretend she is not even there but talk to her horse, Jax.

As I was putting my supplement packets for Beau into a new location, one of the drawers, I saw it was prevous owners name was Morgan O'Sullivan then she married to change it to Morgan LaRosa.

so I sent her a text, and then I recived this pictures, stories texts, She thinks about him everyday


Notes from Beau's previous owner's wife
Beau was owned byJoe LaRosa


Hi Jules!
I’m sad to hear Beau was sold again (especially because I was contracted to get first right of sale) but looking at your profile I see that he is in loving hands which is so comforting. I have been trying to find out how he’s doing since I sold him without success, so it makes me so deeply happy to see that he is still making others happy and living a great life!! My husband bought Beau in 2011 and taught him how to ride western after he tried his hand at jumpers but didn’t really like that world. He did absolutely everything with him from lots of ground work to learning how to jog and lope quietly and took him out on tons of trails with and without other horses. We had him 9 wonderful years but realized as we were graduating college that we didn’t have the funds or time to give him the care and attention that he deserved. We knew he had many more years of life ahead of him and wanted him to be somewhere where he had a job and could be loved by many. How did you and Beau meet if you don’t mind me asking? How is he doing? We miss him every day and would love to see any photos you’re willing to share. Let me know what else I can share about him!!!

That makes me so so happy!!! Thank you so much for sharing and for reaching out. I would love to stay in touch with you and maybe come see him again some day. I am sure he would love to take you on a trail ride!! His feet have always been the toughest and I’m sure this wet weather didn’t help this year. I’m so glad to hear that he enjoys his chiro appointments!

That makes me so so happy!!! Thank you so much for sharing and for reaching out. I would love to stay in touch with you and maybe come see him again some day. I am sure he would love to take you on a trail ride!! His feet have always been the toughest and I’m sure this wet weather didn’t help this year. I’m so glad to hear that he enjoys his chiro appointments!

Joe bought him locally from a girl that was selling him since he wouldn’t jump. He unfortunately doesn’t remember her name now and never had an official bill of sale or anything

He was great on trail rides and fine with other female horses for turnout and riding, usually good with other geldings for riding but didn’t love turnout with other geldings. He was good trailering for us when we needed to move him from time to time, just tended to throw his head up getting off the trailer if he felt rushed.

Yes he’s always been a bit sensitive to the flies! I always said he’s a quarter horse with the thoroughbred skin and hooves

Poor guy hopefully you can work on that with him


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