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Sunday, March 18, 2012

Just running in for an early quick ride with Duke but . . .

Look how beautiful Duke is here. Smokey and Tabeo is also beautiful.  Miss Tulsa is behind me.

We cut through the woods with so many branches down from the winter's windy storms
Tulsa was so cute on the ride. She hadnt taken it before and was unsure of crossing the 2nd stream. 
The strangest thing happened.  As I was signing at Bobby's at about 9:10 in there were 2 other people waiting.  Bobby was in the back drinkin coffee. He came out and I was waiting at the window petting kitties.  As he signed me in he mentioned that there was a 2 hour, did I want to go.  I said I didnt have the time today.  He said but I wont charge you.  Bingo I was on the most advanced ride of my life. But considering Yesterday and the day before I hadnt been feeling very good it was funny tp be there.  I thought if I went on a small ride it would be no big deal.

Well it was different. This was an advaced ride with Tina a woman with a foreign accent and Sandy a guy I see as guiding at the ranch sometimes and our guide Cathy Fallon on her horse Tabeo.
Enja had Duke ready for me to jump right on after I got out of the bathroom for me, perfect it had been a while. Duke's saddle's stirrup on the left was pushed in and my foot was not able to go in very far.  I was hoping Id be ok.

We actually trotted 2 times before we even got to the area where we separate.  We took the trail to the right that goes along the rock wall in the field of Bobby's grazing area.   Around the corner and into a trot.  Then another one before the sand.  I want to just get to the ride.  So much trotting and fast riding like never before in my life.

When we took the left at the top of the hill, Duke knew it was a 2 hour cantor at the top of the hill's turn. (this is the area that is when we go around the lake and take a left instead of a right around the water.  we head out into the wild)

A little later I figured out that I was going to be going on many long trots today and many would be cantors.  Wow!

At the huge field on the 2 hour we trotted fast some times cantoring across the whole field and then the other direction too until we got to the road.  The longest trot ever.  At the road we took a left and walked on the road all the way to the highway.  I must have trotted 9+ times.  So many times.  We went very fast. I held on to Duke with all my might.  He was so peppy so happy.  Duke loves these rides.  When we got back to the ranch he was still trying to trot to get back.  At Big  Desert we trotted so fast.  Duke cantored beautifully.  I was in control and he listened to me.  The woman behind me Tina was on Tulsa.  She said I looked good on the cantoring ride like I had control.  We all talked about cantoring on the rides and I realized I may never go on another 1 hour again.

Tulsa hadnt gone on the 2-hour before and not crossed the river.  Tulsa got to the river crossing and she didnt feel like she could jump over.
Now Duke jumped over beautifully and I held on to him as he ran up the hill after jumping the stream.  it was amazing feeling but Tina was behind me and she couldnt get Tulsa over the stream.  There were a couple of boarder horses behind us and it may have made our horses anxious.  Im not sure if it did but I think thats why Tulsa felt the feeling of anxiousness.   Anyway I think that all the horses and members working together worked out so good.
Anyway my body was totally into the ride.  The cantor at little desert was the absolute best!

Do I put my camera in my pocket. Now it has tons of scratches because the trots were so intense and that I could had to ride good to hold on.  Today reminded me of the Paul Revere ride that I had been on with Duke this summer.  He is a great running horse who loves to go out on the trails.

And the condition of the trails was perfect this week. Hardly much mud and No snow.  Even Duke was happy enough to walk through a little water.

Oh by the way my body is so achey.


  1. I still think about this ride. It changed my life. I spoke with Sheila and I think that I need to take some additional lessons and work with Colleen and Sheila to get up to cantoring with my sweet thing Duke. For that ride, I grew up to a big girl. :)

  2. I still think about that ride.
