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Sunday, April 1, 2012

April 1st, Anya, Tulsa, Duke and the new horse

Beautiful morning. One of the finest morings of the year.  I was offered the 2 hours today but as Sheila
said when I told her about the last ride, Its better to not get hurt.  Anyway it was just me on the 1-hour.  Duke's stirrup is still crushed.  But I was good. We followed the 2 hour today and I got plenty of trots in with our ride. The two hour had Cathy her husband and woman and 2 boarder horses on the ride. The guys that helped Tulsa last time were on the 2 hour.  Anyway the ride was great. I think that I was sitting funny in the seat. I tried some of the english method for pumping or what ever it is called.

I wanted to add to the story that 2 weeks later, the new sweet horse is going better in the herd.

I met the new horse and here are a couple pictures of him and the goats.

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