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Sunday, April 29, 2012

Big Ride on Sunday - Duke

Today was a nice ride, just a little too big and long.  We were not able get many trots in because of the amount of people.

 Duke was a great ride I was able to move away from the overly talkative woman on poor Andy.

Toby and Oreo


Tango is bending his head to get grass out from under the fence.

Tango sneakin grass

My beautiful Duke.  He is so sweet.  He hates being behind anyone slow.

Tulsa is taking care of Colleen here.

Colleen is hugging Smokey  Hes so sweet

Hungry Duke

Kodi is so friendly and sweet.  Amanda was worried he had a sore foot but he was fine, totally chipper!  She had a smile on her face today

We stayed after and gave the horses grass.  They are getting so aggressive with the grass that we need to be careful.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Birthday Ride! Hershey

So cool today's ride. I made chocolate chip cookies and I brought some plants for planting.  The plants are called "wild horses" and I planted them at the Bobby's Ranch sign.

The ride was huge.  Colleen called in the am and they thought it was going to be slow.  It was a huge 9am ride. Usually Im by myself or with 1-2 others.  Today full rides. Sheila said that the ranch was packed everyday with 100+ rides a day.  Jewel even had a sore foot.  Later I found her at the Dining hall keeping company with the new horse that are Blues childen.  Jewel is a cougar she likes the one that is dark brown.  The ride was big.  we went with Amanda and Sarah.  Sheila lead a 2hour so I missed her today.  The other ride was the slow ride.  They had about four people on it.  We had about 6 plus guides and the other had 2 or 3.  The ride after was much bigger.
Oh we had 3 trots and one was amazing a long. The first was cut short because the woman with us on Horsey Mumps was a hack and stopped trotting and Hershey hates when that happens.  Colleen was in front of my with a GoPro Camera taking film of the ride.
Hershey was stealing sneaky grass, Duke was behind me with my buddy.  It was a wonderful change to have on the ride.  It was a nice beautiful ride. Amanda although sad seemed to have a nice ride. I know she is grieving inside.  Still Bobby is helping by supporting her with Kodi.
Great ride.  Not as dusty as last week but we still need the rain.  We didnt ride on the lake at all just took a right near lake and switched off the sandy areas.  It was a classic ride but I do love to go around the lake and up the hill trotting.  The trot before the bridge was very long and all of the riders did a nice job.  Foxy was on the end with a girl. I think she had a nice ride.

View from Hershey heading around the barn to water barrels.

Here are the two little 4 year olds that are Blue's children. They have been at the Farm in the herd for 1 week. So sweet.

On the trail.  Colleen's Go Pro Camera
Out by the Boarder Barn
Coming out of the woods.
My Birthday pic with Hershey after the ride
Duchess and Anja

Amanda and Kodi
Great close up of Bobby Workin

The young kids in the herd with Jewel tool

Blues young one so handsome in his colors.  Blue white tail, white socks and dark blue mane.  He has a cool look in his eyes
On the walk ride there was a little boy and his grandmother on our ride was his mother. I wish she went with them.  She didnt treat Horsey Mumps.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Great Big Ride today, split a couple ways - Duchess

Beautiful day for a ride.  76+ degrees.  I could have taken off my long sleeve shirt.  The horses were getting hot.  There was plenty of water for the horses to drink.  Bobby gave me a hug when I told him he was a special family for me.  It was so sweet. I really like him.
All together with the ride and hanging around with Colleen, I got home around 5pm.  It was a 2pm ride.  I love to be at Bobby's.

This is Amanda and her new horse Kodi, She has just recently had a terrible loss of her sweet horse Rosc.  

Posted this pic on Colleen's facebook page, she added text,  "Does this horse make me look happy?"  So cute
Sitting on Duchess, her mane is so sweet. The strands of hair are large just like she is, I wanted to brush her and make sure her hair didnt tangle.  I wish she picked her head up.  I hope she is not sad.
Beautiful Duchess

Here Duchess is taking a quick rest after our ride.  She is so nice of a horse.

Here the new horse is settling in with herd. Im so relieved.

Mariah is nippy today. She gave Grizzly we think a bite on the butt. Open tooth. It looks like it hurt.

Bobby's giving Yogi end of day walk to eat.  He looks happy.

Here the new horse is fitting in with the others.  He is so sweet. Sheila said that he's gone on some trail rides too.
I was lucky enough to ride Duchess today. She is the biggest female in the herd.  She is so sweet and she is very big boned. The dust on the trail made so many of the horses have to cough.  When we walked or trotted it kicked up dust clouds.
After we rode we went out to the dining room and the backend of the barn and hung out with the horses that were not working Sunday.  Mariah was very push and she nipped Grizzly.