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Sunday, April 29, 2012

Big Ride on Sunday - Duke

Today was a nice ride, just a little too big and long.  We were not able get many trots in because of the amount of people.

 Duke was a great ride I was able to move away from the overly talkative woman on poor Andy.

Toby and Oreo


Tango is bending his head to get grass out from under the fence.

Tango sneakin grass

My beautiful Duke.  He is so sweet.  He hates being behind anyone slow.

Tulsa is taking care of Colleen here.

Colleen is hugging Smokey  Hes so sweet

Hungry Duke

Kodi is so friendly and sweet.  Amanda was worried he had a sore foot but he was fine, totally chipper!  She had a smile on her face today

We stayed after and gave the horses grass.  They are getting so aggressive with the grass that we need to be careful.

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