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Saturday, May 19, 2012

Special Ride, Colleens dream ride--Cantoring

The reason I say that is because we have been going lately for rides at Bobby's and we were unable to do a 2 hour early morning Saturday.  Colleen always wanted to have a 2 hour ride with a cantor ride.

Finally we both made it for the 9am.  They were having one and the biggest surprise is that Sheila was our guide.  We didnt go over 2 bridges we didnt cantor through the field but we did cantor, alot.  We rode areas I had never seen.  Duke was a grass stealer today and I was actually to the point of giving him the strap on the side of the butt.  Sheila told me because the amounts of kicking and of pulling didnt keep him from the green grass temptation especially on Rocky Road, a real place where we rode today.  Colleen was very happy with her horse Andy.

Duke was full of vigor and I love that so much.  Sheila was on Tiana and she was a real sweetie.  Sheila was down because of a situation with Tango and drama at the barn.  I understand that very much.  She lives like Bobby's sister and it must be cool.  Young Bobby told me she was like a sister to him, known each other over 40 years.  Wow  Anyway I can tell you the ride was great.  Sheila made sure that Colleen was up to the challenge of cantoring with Andy.  She did great.  There was another man on our ride James.  He rode Oreo and he seemed to be doing great too.

Duke provided me with tons of horse interaction and I loved him to pieces.  Duke was first and I asked Colleen to have Andy and her behind me because Duke likes to go fast.  And he did.  His Cantor is beautiful.  He is a wonderful horse. I feel like we are flying when he cantors.  I become light as a feather and float over the air with him.   Im so proud to be on him when we ride.  I know all the horses are amazing though.

Anyway Colleen was so tramatized because her ATM was rejected, she actually said,  "I cant ride".  I threw down the $60 and said, hurry up!  She actually got on the phone with the bank and straightened it up.  I didnt want some stinkin bank ruining our ride so I would have waited til we got home.

James was on Oreo.  He seemed to do fine. He was in the back and had lots of patiences with him.  Or should I saw Oreo had paitence with him.  Either way the 2 Hour was amazing. Most Cantoring for Colleen but not me.  I still have the ride with Duke, Smokey, Tabeo and Tulsa on my mind. We are talking about a ton of cantoring.
Sheila looked so cool on Tiana when she took off for the cantor.  She made dust.  It excited me.  The areas that Sheila chose were perfect for our horses.  I must admit that because Duke was stealing so much food it slowed down the ride.  Jerky Duke  jk  :o)

While on the ride many trees had fallen and Sheila and Tiana had to bushwack through some trails.
I actually had to get off Duke and walk him under a tree because he is so big.  I then got on from the ground.  It was amazing.  I got back on pretty good.

The fun part of today is that they were short guides and Colleen and I were asked to help out by going to the water barrels and standing with the next ride so that it went smoothly down there.  She was short guides today and it was a great thing to get to Help Out.
I think we were just hanging out with horses and talking to people but young Bobby and Sheila thanks us for the help.  It was our pleasure totally!

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