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Monday, June 4, 2012

Great to be back with Blue

Got to go on a quick afternoon ride with Colleen Sunday. Last week we were at Cape Cod Canal for Memorial Day.  Back home felt good. The weekend was cool and wet. Saturday a total washout but Sunday had some promise.  It was misting all day and on the way there but I knew we would have a fine ride. It was big about 16+ people.
Sheila said to me, Jules we are going to give you Blue today.  Then she said be careful he's been so snacking on the trails. She told me to get after him.  I enjoy working with the horses and their personailities. The are all different. Blue is one of my favs and I love that he was the father of so many of the horses. While we were in line little Blueberry came to the endge of the fence and made the most intersting type winnie noise. It was almost sweet like a song.  She is so cute.
The ride looked as though it may go slow.  It was about 60 out and the guides were many. We had Sheila, Amanda, Cathy, & Anja.  There were lots of kids. The boys at the end were fooling around alot and trotting when they were not suppose to trot.  There were 2 little girls on a tether with a horse.  A little girl with her mom and a little girl with Anja and her Dad was right behind.  It was complicated 2pm ride.
Duke was with another person and Hershey was with the woman behind me.  We split off on the ride most of the riders it seemed went on the walking ride with Anja and Amanda.
Sheila led our ride. Colleen was up front and I was behind her on Blue.
I learned a new thing.
Blue will not respond a light kick on the side to go like many other horses.  All you need to do is slight put pressure on his front and make a clicking sound.  Im so happy he rode great. I was happy to be on  him.  But he does kinda slow down at the end.  He may just not like to trot much.

The lady behind me was very nice but she and Hershey were on the back of Blue so that I think Blue doesnt like it.

On the way in the car with Colleen I was talking about how much I liked the cantor ride 2 weeks ago.  I was so happy to be on Duke safe cantoring.  It was an absolutely amazing ride.  She said  that Andy never cantored.
I was so surprised.
So Duke did like crazy.  I love him.
Im so lucky.  I think that I have done ok with my progress in horsemanship.
I feel like I am getting somewhere. One day I will be able to help around the farm.
For the future I want to help around the farm and also I want to be able to help with guide rides.  I wont even need money.
Just being there is so good for me.

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