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Saturday, September 15, 2012

Blue was Fast Today - Wow

Great ride at 10am today. I would have gone at 9am but the rain kept me slow to get up and go. I was cool this morning but it got warm like summer by the time we got back to the barn.  I wore a tshirt and a light stirpped cotton hoodie, no lining. Perfect but too warm when we got back.

I was early for the 10am.  All the horses lots of horses were ready to go I think there wasnt even a 9am.  I could  have had a private ride but its ok. There were only a couple on the trot ride. Sarah and Jess plus James on Andy, a new lady on on Boger Hershey and Steve and me on my sweetie Blue.  When we got there they were putting iodine on a new horse Dallas.  She was pretty.  The horse that didnt feel good last week was out in the field. Young Bobby says that hes getting better but still feeling crappy.  They need to keep her away from others until she's feelin Great again.

Well the ride went great until after the wood box ramp for the trail that goes right for humans at the lake.  Right at the point where we would be riding up the room around the corner and around the lake suddenly a dog came rushing barking toward the horses and we all the walkers and the trotters (large ride too) had to take the sharp corner and double back instead of the wonderful ride around the lake that I love so much.  Oh well so much for dogs.  I was startled at first but I saw Blue not be scared and then Sarah said,  I can go chase it back if we need to. I remembered just how powerful and amazing these horses are.
Blue doing great on the trail.  Fast Horse!

Blue and Dallas eating
Dallas has a white eye like Duke  xoxo and he was a good listener when I was talking to him.

Another beautiful picture of the sweetie Blueberry

Blueberry is Blue's daughter. She was so sweet today she hugged me and bit my zipper. I wish I brought an apple.

This horse's name is Apache. He went on the ride last week too.

Great ride we got in another small trot.  Blue was fast today faster than ever.  Again Blue likes to by one rein and also loves to start riding with a kiss or clicking sound. If I one rein steered him he'd put his ears back.  He was so sweet I spoke with him and petted him the whole ride.

The man James was totally scared off from trotting because I saw Andy kick up his heels when we trotted. It even excited my guy Blue.  Hershey was not as fast as he can be behind me but I think he was getting away with murder. I learned that one of the horses I see all the time is named Sargeant. Im going to try and get his picture up here today.

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