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Saturday, September 29, 2012

Wet and Rainy, Duchess was so patient

Today I took a ride at 2pm.  There were a few riders but when loaded it was quite a few.  Im glad because even on damp days we need to get cash for hay and feed or the winter.  Sheila met me at the office with some crappy news, Jess had quit that week.  Too much picking on her from Bobby.  I think it will all work out but, I was worried. There was a girl that isnt very experienced with the rides (in my opinion) a new girl, Tori and Cassie.
Anyway I was loaded first on the first horse ready . . . Duchess!
She is so beautiful.  She got a little made at Domino trying to pass. The man on Domino was a jerk. Just saying. He spoke to Domino and tried to get him to listen in human to "dont eat the grass".  Well anyway there was alittle girl who had gone riding for the first time on the trail she loved it so much while we were loading, She was getting off and she said Daddy can we go again. Sure enough they went on the second ride.
My ride was ok but my horse kicked butt. She was so on the money. I had never realized just how nice she handled neck reining until a sweet little girl behind me who had told me she was taking lessons for the last year and that she was able to ride 8 horses. I was pretty impressed with her knowledge of the horses.
Well the ride lacked coordinated guides. I miss Enja and Sarah for make sure that the trots made sense. I hadnt seen Cathy in a long while either. I wonder what was going on.
Without Jess and even Amanda things can get too much for the group. I had heard that Kanti was helping out by taking rides with the girls.
Duchess's ride was beautiful and she is very responsive. I would like to ride her again soon.  She is also beautiful. Ill get some pictures from today up soon.  Im putting this one of her pretty face from earlier this summer.  :)
Oh the lead with us I dont know her name but she was nice.  She was riding Datania.  She has a short tail but had a nice ride.  The girl needed extra help on the ride.
Belle again she has a sweet face and looks right at you with her eyes.
Thanks Duchess!

Blue is so hungry!

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