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Saturday, September 8, 2012

Sept morning with Hershey, Colleen Tulsa and Sarah

Great to get on the trail again and we had some nice trots.  Hershey was so fresh he seemed kinda tired even for a 1st ride of the day. Saturdays are the best for that.   I drove the Explorer and picked up Colleen. Last night we went to the Hard Rock late night.  We managed to get up and get to Bobby's just in time.  Someone had already picked out Andy.  The boy's name is James I think he had gone with use for a 2 hour onces a few weeks ago.
Any way the ride was great. There is a new guide that I hadnt seen before and she was on Blue up front.  She kicked him hard to get him going. I had to give Hershey some hard turns this week because he was so fresh. I think he was tired.  He stumblied a few times and he stole bushes.
Ill upload some pics later.  Sheila was there but she was busy with lots of farm horse stuff.
It was warm this morning for September. It looked as though we were going to get caught in the storm.  The clouds were hanging over when we went out to the ride. It was hot and cloudy. It didnt take long until the su was shining with blue sky.  Then we heard thunder a few times loudly.
Hershey was kinda fresh on the ride, sneaking leaves and on the trots ending early. I was kind of surprised. I do love riding him I hope he's feeling ok.  Colleen was on Tulsa but she was also slowed up when I looked behind me at Colleen. Colleen was so happy to be riding that she just smiled for 60 minutes straight.  It was nice.  It was warm out and it became very warm.

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