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Saturday, October 6, 2012

Beautiful October Morning with Domino Lucky me!

Pedro was talking to me on the way out, sayin Hi!

I love this picture today.  While Sheila has Tori take my pic the other horses, Shawnee, Hershey wait to get their turn.  Usually I am waiting to its cool to see Domino get his turn next.
The man on the ride said he didnt want to ride Domino.  He said, "I dont want to ride THAT horse". I thought, great this is my chance. As I was trying to get on, I couldnt reach over his body. He's huge. the ride was a walk because there was a lady who felt worried about trotting. Her friend the man was disappointed that we didnt trot. I may have thought so too, but I loved the ride it was beautiuful. Im going to put some pictures up later tonight. :) Great Times!
Sheila thought the guy was pushy. We didnt end up trotting they are so short handed.  I believe there has been a lot of changes. Jess and Bob had some problems they didnt work out yet.  So Sheila has been blue. There was Sheila and Cassie. They were so busy. There was a truck stuck in the entranceway so I was late for the 9am. It was too full anyway.  This ride was only six of us. It was a nice ride, even though we didnt trot. I didnt get in for the 9am so I hung out took some pictures and went and got some apples, peaches and honey from Nagog Farm.  It was perfect timing.
There was a woman who seemed to know a little about the farm and three spanish speaking people 2 women and one man.  The woman and the daughter made me laugh.  She wasnt that familiar with the horses I could tell because she got out of line often and seem to bunch up on the trail.  The funny thing is that she said to Sheila, If you want I can take them on the slow ride so you could go on the trot ride. I thought that she was overestimating herself. She was terrible with Hershey controlling him.  She would have done a terrible job.  The man who didnt get to trot was disappointed but he really made Sheila angry when he didnt want Domino for the ride. Lucky for me. :)

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