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Saturday, October 20, 2012

Hershey in the mudd with Colleen

Did a 12 noon ride. Not my favorite but its been raining for days all night too. We had an inch just yesterday. So you know its going to be pretty muddy on the trail.  Hershey hates the mud but not as bad as Duke. I was lucky Hershey was as easy going as  he is.  He did slip a few times on the rocks. It always makes me realize that these guys are big and I need to hold on.
Well there were a couple of city slickers from Southie on the ride. They had there special boots and some big time plaid.   The ride was about 10 or us and Tori lead with a new girl Olivia.  She was very nice and Tori was up the front. Colleen had Foxie so she had the back.  I turned Hershey around a couple of times to get back to Colleen.  It was nice out but this year doesnt have the color that I have seen in past years.
After we got past were heading down the path on the hill where Colleen saw the deer that spooked Smokey, a man in front of  us just let himself slip off the horse.  I couldnt understand that why he didnt try to right himself. Now I didnt laugh but it was funny.  Down in the mud he went.  He just didnt even try.  Blue was looking like he needed to get attention by taking the man off the trail.  The man didnt try to lead him correctly.  I love Blue and he was sweet today.
Anyway Olivia got off Belle her horse and helped the man by making sure he was ok and then putting the saddle back on tighter. I saw the man try a little bit more. Olivia asked him to keep his heals down and to try and keep the balance.
Later Blue was so sweet when I was taking pictures of some newer horses behing the coral.  I do love him. Domino was also sweet today along with Tango.
The weather was amazing, it was about 75 or so. I could wear a short sleeved tshirt in the woods witout every feeling cool.  The two girls in plaid were very nice they had big rimmed sunglasses, bright plaid shirts and fancy fashion boots.  They were pretty happy. The one with the blue plaid was totally into the fall in NE thing and they said they were going to go get pumpkins in the PYO field down the street.  Colleen to me to Nagog so I can get some honey so IM pretty happy about that.  It was a nice day all day.  I raked my butt off in the front yard.  Good times.

This ia a pic of the man who slid off the horse.  Olivia is helping him with his saddle, Blue is waitin and Belle her horse is being excellent

Tori is in the front the woman from Southie is in front of me and Olivia is in front of her.

Hershey was hating the mud and puddles.

The trails are so pretty this fall.

This is when we go around the lake.

I snuck in the barn and took a pic of the next ride from the barn.

Blue is so sweet.  As I was taking pictures of the back field he snuck up behind me and nudged me as I was leaning against the fence.  I totally love it!

Here is a pretty friendly horse in the back of the corral with the newer horses.  She let me pet her mane and neck.

While I was talking to the horses behind the corral Domino watched. When I saw him I knew it was time for his pets.

This picture is so clear and beautiful. I did ok here. I put it in Visit Mass page

Domino and Tango being adorable

This guy got some burers in his mane and head hair.  He felt a little down about it.  I gave him a little love.
More pics of the horses behind the corral.

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